... Versus First Day Impressions

The staff parking lot was behind the main entrance to the school, so Isla had plenty of time to plan her opening introduction to her classmates. She only knew them by their photos, but tried memorizing their names. That just made her more nervous. The face of the boy with red eyes immediately flashed through her mind.

"Your homeroom teacher's name is Aizawa," her dad said, interrupting her thoughts. "Mr. Aizawa, also known as Eraserhead."

Isla giggled, picturing someone with a giant pink rubber head; like what you'd find on standard pencils.

"Make sure you listen to him," her mom warned.

"Mom. Come on, when have I ever not listened to a teacher?

It was true. Ever since elementary school, Isla was always eager to please her teachers. The slightest mistake on her part would cause an overdramatic response. One time, when she was in 3rd grade, she got sent to the principal's office because she kept trying to talk to a boy in her class when they were supposed to be reading quietly. She proceeded to spiral different scenarios; from getting grounded, to having to go to prison for not listening to her teachers.

Over dramatic.

Obviously she knew she wouldn't go to prison for not listening to the teachers at UA. However, the slightest error might very well result in some form of injury.

"Okay!" Her dad called. "No turning back, now."

Isla's gaze fell upon the massive gateway to the school; a large archway with the logo in gold letters. The courtyard was lined with red bricks and scattered with beautiful trees; some of them having benches circling around the trunk. There were a few picnic tables scattered with some students sitting at them already; reading text books, talking and laughing. A breeze blew in, rustling Isla's hair into her face and she tucked in behind her ear.

This is really happening

Her mom got her attention. "Do you want us to walk you up to class 1A?"

It made sense for her parents to walk her to the class, but at 17 years old, what would the rest of her classmates say? Come to think of it ... does the rest of the class know she's coming? Do they know about her parents? Do they know that she doesn't have a Quirk? Why couldn't she have thought to ask these questions when All Might was helping get them settled in the apartment?

She looked skyward toward the tops of the four towers of the school and took a deep breath. "No. That's okay, mom. 1A should be on the first floor, right? Makes the most sense. And even if it does take me a little more time, we're still early." Her voice was steady, even though she could hear her heart beating in her ears. Turning to look over her shoulder at her parents standing behind her, Isla gave them a nod. "I got this."

Walking through the courtyard, she didn't' miss the stares and whispers from the other students. Not only was she the new girl. She was the American. That alone made her stand out even more. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea walking by herself. At least with her parents by her side she'd have someone to talk to. She turned to look back at the archway, only to find her parents had already moved on, probably to meet the other teachers. Another breeze gently blew in her face and she closed her eyes to take in the scent from the blossoms. Bringing her coffee mug up for another sip, Isla turned around to head directly inside the building.

But instead ran directly into someone. And because her drink was exactly how it was in her grasp, the contents flew out of her mug, staining the back of another student's and parts of her own clothing. Her eyes went wide as she processed what happened. "Oh my. Oh crap. Crap! I am so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going –"

"That's pretty damn obvious," the student said turning around to face her.

Isla blinked. There was no mistaking the red eyes. The menacing glare. She couldn't remember his name to save her life. She couldn't remember anything, for that matter. "I'm um. I'm really. Sorry about that," she stuttered.

"What the Hell are you drinking anyway?" he snapped at her.

Isla looked at her (now empty) mug "Coffee?" She questioned.

He took off his blazer before throwing it directly in her face. "Then you know exactly what to pay for the dry-cleaning!"

Before she could process what was actually happening, he stormed off into the building. The smell of a bonfire, like the ones she'd have at the lake house with Amy and Laura, suddenly invaded her senses. She immediately searched around to see if something was on fire, but then realized it was coming from him. His clothes. If the other students in the courtyard weren't staring when she arrived, they were definitely staring now.

Oh yeah. Today was going to be great.