Is It Time To Go Home, Yet?

Well that was a perfect way to meet someone. Isla reached the steps to the building's entrance, his blazer still draped over her arm. Was he serious? Did he really expect her to pay for the dry-cleaning? How much did that even cost? She didn't have a job here yet, how was she supposed to come up with the money? Forgetting her coffee mug was empty, she went to take a sip; only to be immediately disappointed.

She heaved a heavy sigh. "Is it time to go home, yet?"

"I'm afraid not!" a voice responded behind her, making her jump. "Better get a move on or you'll be late for your class!"

Isla turned and recognized a few faces from class 1A standing before her. One of them, the one who spoke first, was incredibly tall; glasses, perfectly gelled hair and not a single wrinkle anywhere on his uniform. The other boy, shorter but still a little taller than Isla; had absolutely wild green hair and freckles dotted his face. His uniform looked a little loose on him and he wore bright red shoes. The only girl with them had extremely kind eyes. She was really pretty and Isla immediately felt self-conscious.

"Are you lost?" the green-haired boy asked her.

Isla nearly forgot how to talk and had to actually remind herself to speak Japanese, not English. She nervously glanced between her empty coffee mug and the stained blazer. "Yes. And no," she stuttered. "I'm. I'm just not making the best first impression –"

"Oh is today you're first day?" the girl asked, a twinkle in her eyes. "We can help you find your class! Where are you going?"

Isla sheepishly looked between the three of them. She knew exactly who they were, even if she didn't know their names. And therefore already knew she was going to thesame class as them. Those questions plagued her again. Did the rest of the students know she was going to sit in with them? Did they know she was Quirkless? And how the heck was she supposed to pay for this dry-cleaning? "Um. I'm on my way. On my way to. To Class 1A?"

Their eyes went wide, and for a moment Isla was worried something happened to them. The tallest of the boys broke the silence. "You're a new student in Class 1A?" he asked, straight forward.

Without her brain giving her time to process, Isla launched into an explanation. "My parents are new teachers here. Principal Nezu actually recruited them. The only way my parents would agree to teach at UA was if. Was if I sat in with one of the classes. The administration put me with Class 1A. We're from America and only just arrived in Japan a few days ago."

The three of them still looked stunned. "You're Japanese is pretty good," the green haired boy commented, a sweet smile on his face. "I'm Izuku Midoriya," he added, extending his hand. "Welcome to UA High!"

Isla looked awkwardly at his gesture, since she still had her empty coffee mug in one hand and the red-eyed boy's blazer draped over her other arm. It's not like it wasn't going to get cleaner anytime soon, so she flipped it over to her hand that held the mug and shook Midoriya's hand. "Nice to meet you," she said with a nervous laugh.

"I'm Ochako Uraraka!" the girl exclaimed, jumping between her and Midoriya. "Deku's right, you're Japanese is crazy good! And you only had a few days to learn it?!"

Ah. Shoot. Already her first miscommunication. It was bound to happen. Isla shook her head, feeling her cheeks warm from embarassment. "I actually had about three weeks to learn it. We've only been in Japan for three days."

Uraraka smiled and nodded her head. "Oh I get it now! Still! You speak very well for someone who hasn't had a lot of time to learn it!"

Isla thanked her before the taller boy positioned himself professionally before her. "I'm Tenya Iida, Class 1A's representative! Allow me to officially welcome you to UA High School!"

"It's really nice to meet all of you. I'm Isla. Isla Evans. Thank you so much for your kindness –"

"Oi, oi!! Clumsy new girl!!"

Isla looked back towards the school entrance, her smile immediately falling. "Great," she mumbled.

"Bakugou!" Iida scolded. "She has a name --!"

"I don't give a damn what her name is! Her inept ass spilled coffee all over my blazer and if she doesn't take it to the dry-cleaning those stains are gonna set!"

Isla's mouth opened and closed before she scowled at him. "I don't even know where to go to get this cleaned!"

"Not my problem!" he yelled storming towards the group.

Midoriya quickly snatched the item of clothing from Isla's hands. "It's fine, it's fine!" he said, almost with a squeak in his voice, putting his hand up as if to shield her. "The cleaners are down the road from me! I'll drop it off on my way home and bring it back tomorrow!"

"No way in Hell I'm letting you take it, damn nerd," he said snatching it back. Isla held her breath as he turned to face her, closing the distance between them. He was slightly taller than her but no less intimidating than a Villain. He stared her down for what felt like an eternity before scoffing at her. "Tch. Stay outta my way next time, klutz."

Her eyes followed him as he sulked back up the stairs into the building, the protests from Iida, Uraraka and Midoriya muffled behind her. The smell of a bonfire still lingering in the air around her.