Mummy Man

"Sorry about him," Iida said, rubbing the back of his neck. "Bakugou doesn't exactly know how to – erm – socialize."

Uraraka nodded in agreement, adjusting the straps of her book bag on her shoulders. "Even with Deku," she added, as if to finish Iida's sentence.

Isla's attention was brought back to the fact that Midoriya had taken the blazer. "You really don't have to take it to the cleaners," she said, wringing her hands together. "I was the one not watching where I was going. I was the one who spilled coffee on it. I can take it to get cleaned –"

"Really, Isla," Midoriya said, putting a hand on her shoulder. "It's just fine. Kacchan and I live close to each other anyway. He knows exactly where the dry-cleaner is."

Now she was confused. "Sorry. But – who?"

"Oh, Kacchan and I have known each other since we were little. Buuut, you wouldn't think that with the way he talks and acts around me."

The four of them started to make their way up the stairs through the main entrance of the school, Isla still very aware of the stares and whispers from the other students around them. At least she wasn't alone anymore. More important than that, at least she was with some students from Class 1A. It gave her the illusion that she actually belonged here.

"You'll like everyone in our class, Isla," Uraraka assured her, as if reading her worries. "They'll be so excited to meet you! Oh, and you'll probably have a chance to show us your Quirk today, too!"

"Yes, you've arrived at the perfect time!" Iida chimed in. "The Sports Festival is just around the corner! There are some great opportunities to be scouted by agencies to secure an internship next quarter! Better be prepared for some intense training!"

There it is. So the class didn't know anything about her. Oh crap, hopefully her homeroom teacher does! What if he doesn't? All Might should have told him, right? Geez, why couldn't she have thought to ask these questions before!

"Hey Isla," Midoriya gently broke her train of thought, resting his hand on her shoulder. "Are you alright? There's really no need to be nervous about anything. You've already jumped one of the biggest hurdles there is with learning a new language in such a short amount of time. Everything is going to be just fine."

She met his emerald eyes and a sudden wave of calm washed over her. She forgot all about the fact she was about to walk into a class full of people she'd never met before. Studying at a school specifically for prospective Pro Heroes when she didn't have a power to her name. That peaceful air. Almost felt like she was in All Might's presence. Isla smiled at him giving him a reassuring nod. "I'm fine," she said.

"Fine doesn't mean you're ready," a voice sharply drew her attention to a ... rather large door, with an equally large print of "1A" in bright red paint. Leaning against the wall was a. Mummy? The man had shoulder length, black, wispy hair. He was dressed to match; black from head to toe, heavy combat boots and what looked to be an extremely large scarf wrapped around his neck. His face was completely covered in white bandages and both of his arms were bandaged and bound close to his chest.

"Mr. Aizawa," Isla's three new friends said in unison.

Wait, what?

"You must be Isla Laine," her homeroom teacher said, voice gruff and hoarse.

She blinked. "Yes. Yes, sir, that's right," she stuttered bowing slightly. "It's very nice to meet you. Thank you for welcoming me to Class 1A –

"Midoriya." He interrupted. "You, Iida and Uraraka head on in and take your seats. I need a moment with our ... new student."

That wave of calm was certainly short lived as she watched the three disappear into the classroom. Isla thought she saw a glimpse of a pair of red eyes as the door closed. She took in a deep breath before turning her attention back to Mr. Aizawa.

"I've been completely briefed on your parents and you," he began simply. "This transition is not going to be easy, I'll be honest. Not because the students are hard to know. Not because they don't know who you are and why you're here. But because of what they've gone through. Obviously, being in a school full of people who possess Quirks when you don't is a big adjustment. I'll not have you behaving recklessly. Just because people can get you out of danger doesn't mean you will put yourself in it. You will adhere strictly to my guidelines and my guidelines only. Not your parent's. Not Principal Nezu's. Not All Might's. Do I make myself clear?"

Isla thought back to the conversation in the car with her mom and dad. Her dad telling her about Mr. Aizawa and her mom making sure she would listen to him and follow his directions.

Her right hand clutched the strap of her messenger bag as it laid across her chest. She nodded her head once. Firm. "Understood."

He watched her (as best he could with his entire face being completely bandaged up) for a moment more before gesturing to the giant door. "Good. Welcome to Class 1A."