Seating Arrangements

Isla opened the door to 20 pairs of eyes staring at her. Well. Technically 19. Since she couldn't see the eyes that belonged to the invisible girl. Iida stood at the front of the class calling them to attention. "Everyone! Please welcome our new student in Class 1A; Isla Evans."

"Are you fuckin' kidding me?!" A voice thundered from the other side of the room. Isla didn't even have to look to know who it belonged to.

"Kaachan!" Midoriya scolded.

"That is no way to greet someone!" Iida echoed Midoriya.

"Ah, don't worry about him," a boy with spiked red hair said, leaning back in his chair. "That's just how Bakugou is."

"Doesn't mean he should start shouting at her right off the bat," a girl sitting in the back with long black hair commented. "Give her time to adjust."

"You'll get used to it," a boy with yellow hair shrugged.

"That's enough," Mr. Aizawa's voice rumbled behind her. "Evans is part of our class because her parents were recruited by Principal Nezu to be on staff here at UA. After the attack at the USJ, the administration decided it would be best to have more top ranked Heroes as teachers, especially with the Sports Festival in two weeks..."

The class erupted in excited chatter at the thought of having two top Heroes from America as teachers.

"Woah, that's so cool, Evans!" Uraraka cheered.

"You must have a remarkable quirk," a boy with a ... bird's head commented.

"When do we get to see it?" a small boy with purple squishy-looking hair asked.

"Welcome to our class, Evans. Ribbit," a girl with large eyes and long green hair smiled at her.

Everyone had questions for her. Greetings to say with smiles on their faces. Well. Everyone except two of the students. A boy with half red and stark white hair who sat in the back of the class watched her in silence. Isla noticed a large scar around an ice-cold blue eye.

Then, there was Bakugou.

His expression never changed. He just continued to glare at her.

"Evans is here under special circumstances," Mr. Aizawa thundered, silencing the chatter from the rest of the students.

Isla turned to him, a sheepish smile on her face. "No need for all the formalities, sir," she said. "You can all just call me Isla."

Her homeroom teacher heaved a heavy, tired sigh. "Of course we can," he grumbled. "Isla is here under special circumstances," he continued as if he hadn't been corrected by one of his students. "She knows what's expected of her and as such I expect all of you to treat her with the same respect."

The boy with red, spiky hair chuckled. "You better look that up, Bakugou."

"Shut your damn face!" he yelled in response. Isla saw smoke coming from his palms.

Mr. Aizawa growled; clearly annoyed by the class. "Because it won't affect your training or studies even if Evans doesn't have a Quirk."

. . . . . . . . . . . .

The class fell silent.

Isla's heart began to race. Here we go.

Iida was the first one to break the silence. "You don't have a thing to worry about, Isla!"

"Yeah! You're part of our class, now!" Uraraka called out.

"This will be interesting for sure," a boy with short blonde hair and a large muscular tail mused.

One by one they all stood up and began chatting happily around her; introducing themselves (which she'll have to quiz herself on tonight and go through her parent's files) and showing parts of their quirks. Well. Some of them. Midoriya seemed particularly unsure about showing anything to her, however he had a lot of questions about what it was like for her not having a quirk and parents who did.

Isla looked over the crowd to where Bakugou sat. He had his feet up on his desk, hands in his pockets, clearly seething. His eyes found hers for a brief moment before he stood on his feet, palms open and suddenly crackling. "Just stay outta my way, you got that?! I don't have time to look after someone like you!"

She glared at him and was about to retort, but Mr. Aizawa called everyone to attention again, instructing them to take their seats. Isla was instructed to take a spot towards the front; the third row from the door. Wouldn't you know, guess who she was sitting next to?