A Declaration Of War

"The UA Sports Festival is about to start," the homeroom teacher said, beginning Isla's first class in Japan. At a Hero School. "This event is a huge opportunity for every student at UA. It's the most watched event in the entire world."

Isla heard bits and pieces about what the event was like from her parents; especially as they prepared for their move. Last year at her school in New York, the teachers let the students watch some of the broadcast. "I never knew it was the most watched in the world," she said, then quickly covered her mouth as she spoke out of turn, eyes wide and cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

The boy who sat in front of her; probably the most muscular boy in the whole class, turned around spoke to her. "It wasn't always that way," he began. "Before Quirks became the majority in the population, it was the Olympic games that people always watched. Nowadays, there isn't nearly as much effort put into them like there is with the Sports Festival." His eyes seemed to smile at her, and that's all she could get from him; since the rest of his face was masked. "I'm Mezou Shoji, by the way," he added.

"Tch," she heard Bakugou next to her.

"It's a huge opportunity for us!" the girl who sat in the back of the first row exclaimed. "The top Heroes from everywhere will be watching! This is where we'll get scouted!" She was extremely pretty; her dark hair put up perfectly, large, dark brown eyes and her skin absolutely flawless. Isla tucked her wispy, auburn hair behind her ear; feeling all kinds of self-conscious.

"She's right!" the boy with spiked, yellow hair continued. "After graduating UA, a lot of people will join Pro Agencies as a sidekick!"

"Yeah, but that's as far as some people go," a girl with short dark hair and … what looked like ear phone jacks dangling from her ears said. "A lot of people miss their chance to go indie and stay on as sidekick. Like forever." She put a finger to her chin. "Actually. That's probably where you're headed," she continued, pointing to the yellow-haired boy. "You're kinda dumb."

Isla giggled.

"It's true that joining a Pro Agency can acquire you greater experience and popularity," Mr. Aizawa explained. "That's why the sports festival matters. If you wanna go pro one day, then this event could open a path for you."

"One chance a year."

"Three chances in a lifetime."

"No aspiring Hero can afford to miss out on this." He turned his attention to Isla. "You should take this time to get to know your classmates and their Quirks. It'll help set them up for success."

Isla couldn't really understand how that was going to be helpful. Bakugou especially didn't think it would be helpful; as she heard him mumbling under his breath.

"I don't want any of you falling behind. You better not slack off on your training," Mr. Aizawa ordered.

"Yes, sir," the class answered.

"Class is dismissed. Change into your PA clothes and get to work."

As soon as their homeroom teacher left, most of the class began gathering around Isla, introducing themselves and explaining their Quirks. They were all so incredible and kind; she almost forgot she wasn't in America and felt these people have been her friends for a long time.

"Don't even think about helping me," came a gruff voice, snapping her back to reality. "How asinine of a Pro Hero to think that you. A Quirkless nobody could actually help me succeed."

Isla glared at him. "With an attitude like that, you'll probably sabotage yourself anyway. So I guess you're right. You don't need my help with that."

"What the Hell did you just say to me?!" Bakugou roared.

Midoriya's eyes went wide and the red-haired boy; Kirishima put his arm out across the blonde's chest. "Woah-hoh!" he exclaimed. "Look who can hold her own on the first day!"

"He does have a point," came another deep voice from the back of the classroom. "There are plenty us who can hold our own. Aizawa didn't need to assign us a babysitter."

Isla turned to the boy with two-toned hair and eyes. His expression was calm, but no less unapproachable. And for some reason, her confidence began to fade. "I'm. I'm part. Of this class too --" she stuttered.

"You're here because of a technicality," he interrupted. "And one that could end up getting someone hurt. Bakugou's right; you should just stay out of the way."

His eyes burned into her own. She began to worry that he had a point. Isla was a liability at UA; especially sitting with this class in particular. Sure, she would excel at the "normal" courses but when it came to their Hero training … well. She had to 'stay out of the way'.

So why did Mr. Aizawa tell her that getting to know everyone would help? What could she possibly do to aid their success?

You could cut the silence in the room with a knife. Kirishima was the first one to speak. "Hey now, there's no need to be saying things like that to her." He put a hand on her shoulder. "She's in a new country, at a school that doesn't necessarily suit her. That doesn't mean we should act like jerks."

Isla was thankful for the redhead. For everyone, actually. Really, for the most part the only bad feeling she got was from Bakugou and … this other guy. She didn't dare ask his name. A gentle hand grasped her wrist. "C'mon, Isla," Uraraka said. "We'll walk you to the locker room and get you set up with a PA uniform."

"That. Might be easier said than done," Midoriya said, pointing to the door.

Isla turned to see dozens of students, quite literally blocking the doorway to the classroom.

"What the heck are you all doing here?!" Uraraka gasped.

"Do you students have some sort of business with our class?" Iida inquired, his class representative persona standardly professional.

The boy with the squishy purple hair went into hysterics. "I won't stand for this --!"

"They're scouting out the competition, idiots," Bakugou spat. "We're the class that survived a real villain attack. They wanna get a good look at us with their own eyes."

Wow, so it wasn't just her that he had attitude with. Midoriya looked nervous. "Let's just hope he doesn't blow anyone up," he squeaked. Isla raised an eyebrow. Would he really do that to another student? In the building? Back home, any type of Quirk fight resulted in immediate expulsion.

"At least you know what a future pro looks like," Bakugou taunted the students outside the door. "Now move it, extras."

Iida, Kirishima and Midoriya all started scolding the blonde boy for his rudeness. At least Isla wasn't the only one who saw it. The boy with the two-toned hair and eyes remained silent but stoic. Unlike Bakugou, she couldn't even begin to pinpoint what he was thinking. What he was feeling. She couldn't decide which one was the lesser of the two. Having one yell at her every time she opened her mouth, or having the other one scold her like she was a child; showing no emotion whatsoever.

"So this is Class 1A," a voice called out from the crowd of students. "I heard you guys were impressive. But you just sound like an ass." A boy gently moved through the gathering to the threshold of the door. He looked tired; eyes droopy and dark circles under them. He folded his arms across his chest. "Is everyone in the Hero course delusional? Or is it just you?"

Iida, Kirishima and Midoriya had panic-stricken looks on their faces. Bakugou had smoke coming out of his ears. "You wanna ask me that again?" he growled.

"It's so disappointing to come here and find a bunch of ego maniacs," he continued as if Bakugou wasn't even there. "I'm in general studies, even though I tested for the Hero Course. Oh well, such is life," he shrugged his shoulders. "Out of the goodness of my heart, I figured you all deserve to know. If any of us do well in the Sports Festival, the teachers can decide to transfer people into the Hero Course. Which means they'll have to transfer people out to make room."

Was that really true? Why would the teachers focus on class unity and cooperation if they were only going to break them up after the Sports Festival? And if Isla had to stay with Class 1A and someone did have to transfer out, would that person hate her?

"I'm here to let you know that if you don't bring your best I'll steal your spot right from under you," the boy concluded. "Consider this a declaration of war."

Bakugou stared him down for moment before shoving him out of the way, exiting the classroom. Isla was surprised he didn't have a comeback. Didn't threaten, curse or yell. Even though she doesn't know him that well, he definitely gave off that personality.

The crowds of students began to disperse and Class 1A's attention was refocused to get going on their training. Uraraka linked arms with Isla as she walked with the rest of the girls to the locker room. She couldn't help but notice Bakugou as they passed him; leaning against the wall, hands in his pockets, focused on the ground. He glanced up at her briefly before taking off down the hall once more.