
The morning of the Sports Festival was finally here. As she rode with her parents to the stadium where the event was held, Isla was reviewing the notes and conclusions she took on everyone's training and progress since the start of the school year.

"Looks like you've been very thorough with that," her mom commented. "You probably know your classmates so well after a short amount of time."

Her dad chimed in. "It was pretty smart of Mr. Aizawa to give you that assignment; what a great way to get to know everyone."

Isla hummed in response to her parents and she flipped to the very sparse section of notes on Todoroki. She managed to catch him in the gym after everyone had gone home for the day. It was dark outside and the lighting of the building was almost ominous with him standing on a mat, practicing some very controlled movements. He was lean, but his arms were defined with muscle. It didn't help that was really good-looking. It made her even more nervous to approach him; especially after that day in class, giving off the vibe that he didn't really want her around.

He glanced her way before heaving a heavy sigh and continuing his movements; exhaling sharply with each thrust of his fists. She still had no idea what his Quirk actually did; only that it was called "Half hot, half cold." Even though Isla never got enough courage to talk to Todoroki, he did allow her to watch his training; whatever it was. He never said a word to her either, though he did make eye contact with her on several occasions. It sent her heart racing. Not like when she was with Bakugou, though. This had a hint of excitement and thrill. And she liked it.

She was snapped out of her thoughts as her dad pulled into a parking spot at the UA Stadium; a structure that would put the most extravagant professional football arenas in America to shame. Her parents escorted her to Class 1A's waiting area. "You've got about 15 minutes and then I'll come get you to sit in the stands."

Isla nodded her head and waved them off before opening the door to Mina wishing they could've all worn their costumes for the festival.

"At least everyone will be in uniform," Ojiro stated. "That'll make everything fair, right? Oh! Isla's here!"

"Hi everyone!" she smiled and waved.

"Tch," she heard Bakugou from a table where he sat with Kaminari and Kirishima.

"I wonder what they'll have in store for us in the first round," Sato gulped, trying his best to hide his nerves.

Tokoyami, with his arms folded across his chest hummed, clearly not fazed by any part of the event. "Whatever it is, we must be prepared for absolutely anything."

"I'm nervous enough for all of you," Isla said with a nervous laugh. "But after spending so much time with all of you, I know you'll all do really great! I'll be cheering the loudest for our class!"

"EVERYONE!" came the voice of Iida bursting through the door. "Get yourselves ready! They'll be coming to escort us to the field in FIVE MINUTES!"

Isla giggled, the class representative's personality never ceasing to amaze her.

"Swallow your fear, swallow your fear, swallow your fear," she heard Mineta mumbling under his breath.

Midoriya stood next to him taking slow deep breaths. From the beginning he had been so kind to Isla. Most of the class was very welcoming to her, but he seemed to take extra care in making sure she was comfortable with the class. During his training, he asked about her life back in New York. Who her friends were and what school was like.

Isla really wanted him to do well. She put a hand on his shoulder, giving him a nod of confidence.

"Midoriya," came the sudden intrusion of Todoroki.

Isla took a step back behind the green-eyed boy.

"Hey. Hey Todoroki. What's up?" he asked simply.

His two-toned eyes fell on Isla for a brief moment before addressing Midoriya. "From an objective standpoint, it's pretty clear that I'm stronger than you. I'm sure Evan's notes can confirm that."

Her heart began to race at the sound of her name from his lips.

"However. You have All Might in your corner helping you out," he continued. "I'm not here to find out what's going on between you two. But know that I will beat you today."

All Might. And Midoriya? Wait, was that the teacher he was meeting with when they scheduled their training? Come to think of it, whenever the class did any sort of Quirk training, Midoriya only focused on physical strength and endurance. Not his actual powers.

The room was silent aside from a few whispers. It was Kaminari who spoke first. "What's with all these declarations of war, lately?"

Kirishima stood up from where he sat and approached Todoroki from behind. "Yeah, why are you trying to pick a fight? And right before we get started –"

"This isn't a team effort," he interrupted, making eye contact with Isla again. "Don't forget," he continued, as if addressing only her. "We're not here to make friends."

Midoriya clenched his fists. "Wait a sec, Todoroki," he began, voice small, but confident. "I don't' know what's going through your head. Or why you feel the need to say you'll beat me. I don't need Isla's notes to see that you are better than me. You probably have the most potential in the Hero Course. That's why you got into UA so easily, isn't it? Because of your abilities?"

She narrowed her eyes at Todoroki before Isla gently nudged Midoriya. "Aren't you being too hard on yourself?" she questioned.

"And the rest of the class," Kirishima added.

"No!" Midoriya exclaimed. "He's right, you guys. Don't forget the other classes. They're coming for us with all they've got. We're all gonna have to fight hard to stand out." He relaxed his stand and made eye contact with Todoroki. "And I'll be aiming for the top, too."

Isla couldn't help but smile with admiration for him.

"Fine," Todoroki shot back before his two-toned eyes fell on hers. "Remember your place here," he challenged. "I don't someone like you giving advice to someone like me."

"Tch," she heard Bakugou.

"I wasn't. I wasn't giving you advice," Isla stammered.

He stared her down, the rest of the class in silence before walking past Iida out the door.

Bakugou pushed away from the table and stood from his chair. "You really need learn to stay out of the way," he growled.

Ochaco stood up from her chair next. "She's trying help us," she defended. "She's only doing what Mr. Aizawa told her to –"

His fist slammed on the table. "She's a Quirkless nobody getting in our way!" he roared. "I don't give a shit what the teachers tell her to do!"

He clenched his jaw, bumping her shoulder as he walked by her to exit the waiting area. Inhaling slowly, Isla caught the scent of burning wood from him. Bakugou slammed the door and she found herself taking a few steps toward the exit ... wanting to follow him. But not knowing why or what she'd do if she did go after the boy.