The Last Person He'd Call A Friend

Present Mic's voice could be heard over a PA system, startling Isla out of her thoughts. "All students report to your designated chute! It's time to get this thing started!"

She heaved a heavy sigh before turning to smile at the rest of her classmates. "You will all do great out there!"

They all thanked her. Midoriya took a little extra time; putting a hand on her shoulder. "Thanks for everything, Isla," he smiled. "We'll see you at lunch."

Her dad brushed through the students as the exited the waiting area and led her up to a section of the stadium for the UA teachers where they would be sitting. It was a lot of stairs which made for plenty of time for Isla to keep replaying what Todoroki and Bakugou said to her. Even though they both seemed to have an intimidating personality, Todoroki seemed like he was hiding something. Or that he wanted to hide something. Whereas Bakugou was just loud, abrasive and heartless.

Strong and silent.

Strong and loud.

"You seem to be deep in thought," her dad said, breaking the silence as they continued up.

Isla tucked her hair behind her ear. "I just. I don't get the point of wanting to be a top Hero. Number One. What's all the fuss about?"

John smiled. "Everyone has their own motivations," he hummed. "Some people want to be the top because that's just their personality. They want everyone to look at them and know they are, without a doubt, the strongest. Some people feel like they have something to prove. Some people. It's just what their goal is."

Isla wondered what Todoroki, Midoriya and Bakugou's motivations were.

When they came to the UA teacher seating area, Catherine waved them over to the seats she saved. She and John were sitting in the second Row. Isla was sitting in front of them, next to a man she didn't recognize as one of the teachers. Granted she hadn't really focused on getting to know them. But she didn't recognize this person at all.

He was rather gangly looking, if she was being honest. With large, almost sunken eyes, but a kind smile; which he flashed for her as she sat next to him. "Hello there," he said; voice deep and oddly calming. You must be Catherine and John's daughter?

Isla blinked. "Yes. Yes, sir. My name is Isla."

His smile widened. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Isla. How are you liking UA so far?"

He had this comforting aura about him; which almost made him seem familiar. "Oh, I like it very much, thank you," she replied. "All the teachers have been really accommodating."

"She has to say that because we're sitting right here," came the sarcastic voice of someone who looked to be dressed in some sort of spacesuit.

"Oh. No, I mean. That's not what I mean," Isla stammered. "I mean I really do like all of the teachers. Because the ones that I've met have all been super nice."

The spacesuit chuckled. "I'm only joking, dear. I've heard a lot about you and how you've been helping Class 1A with their training. Mr. Aizawa went over your findings with me and everything was incredibly detailed. Maybe a career in education is in your future like your parents?"

Isla never really thought about what she was going to do after high school. She wasn't even sure how long they were going to stay in Japan, so planning ahead for something like college didn't really rank high on her priority list. She was more concerned with her verb conjugation.

The school fanfare began to play throughout the stadium. Present Mic's booming voice came over the PA system "MAKE SOME NOISE SPORTS FANS!!"

The cheering crowd was almost deafening.

"Get ready for the most exciting event of the year!! Are you ready?! Let me hear you make some noise as our students make their way onto the main field!!"

She figured Class 1A would be the first to come onto the field, but Isla wasn't sure which chute they'd appear from. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of the blue PE uniforms.

"This first group are no strangers to the spotlight!" Mic's voice exclaimed. "You know them best for withstanding a villain attack! The Hero Course students of Class 1A!!"

A villain attack? Isla recalled her parents talking about an incident not too long after the school year started for her classmates; but she had no idea it involved villains.

"They haven't been getting nearly as much screen time, but this next group is still chalk-full of talent! Welcome the Hero students from Class 1B! Next up, General Studies, C, D and E! Support Courses, F, G and H. And finally the Business Course students I, J and K! GIVE IT UP FOR ALL YOUR FIRST YEAR STUDENTS!!!

"I had no idea there were so many first years," Isla muttered. "I thought UA was only meant for those aspiring to be Heroes."

"That's what makes us stand out from other schools," the man sitting next to her replied. "UA focuses on the student as a whole. Not just the Hero aspect. Some students have Quirks not suited for combat, but they have other talents that will prove useful to a Professional Agency."

"Attention please!" came the voice of a woman in the center of the field. "It is now time for the introductory speech!"

"This year's chief umpire for the first years is Midnight!" Mic's voice announced. "Also known as the R-Rated Hero!"

She wore a skin-tight costume; accentuating. Well. Everything. Around her, she could hear catcalls coming from the guys in the stadium. Isla felt her cheeks warm. She wouldn't be caught dead wearing something like that. Even if she did have the body for it. Which she didn't.

Midnight continued to address the crowd. "And for the student pledge, we have Katsuki Bakugou!"

Isla leaned forward in her seat as she scanned the crowd for the blonde boy. Ho he managed to be the one selected to give something that sounded so important like a student pledge, she had no idea.

"Friend of yours?" the man sitting next to her asked.

She chuckled. "Far from it, actually. Pretty sure I'm the last person he'd consider a friend."

The thousands of people in the stadium fell completely silent as they waited for him to speak. He slowly sauntered up the stairs to the main stage in front of a single-standing microphone. With his hands in his pockets, seeming to not care at all, he spoke.

"I just wanna say. I'm gonna win."

The rest of the first years immediately erupted in a chorus of "Boo!!", "What did you say??" "You over-confident jerk!!", "Get off the stage!!" She noticed Iida with his can't-hardly-miss scolding movements; no doubt calling Bakugou out on his rudeness. Isla sighed, shaking her head; not surprised at all by his statement.

"Silence everyone!!" Midnight's voice boomed. "Without further ado, it's time for us to get started! This is where you begin feeling the pain!"

On a jumbo screen behind her, a roulette of sorts appeared; bright and colorful it started to spin around. "The first fateful game of the festival is ...." TA-DA!!"

The roulette was now replaced with a figure of a person seeming to run around some cones, with the words 'Obstacle Course' flashing.

"There you have it!" Midnight's voice continued. "All 11 classes will participate in this treacherous contest. The track is 4 km around the outside of the stadium." The figure was now animated, running around the arena. Midnight then cracked the whip she had in her hand. "I don't want to restrain anyone, at least in this game. As long as you don't leave the course you're free to do whatever your heart desires! Now then! Take your place contestants!"

On the opposite side of the stage was a shite marked with a, sort-of, traffic light. Like what you would see in professional race car competitions. The students all made their way to this gate, the crowd falling silent once more. The first light went out. Shortly after the second. And then finally the third went out and an air horn sounded signaling the start of the UA Sports Festival.