You Looked Like You Needed Someone

Isla was able to join the students on the field for the Awards Ceremony, proud that all top three were from Class 1A The stadium went crazy over All Might showing up to present the medals. When it came time to congratulate Tokoyami, who took third place, Todoroki, who took second place and Bakugou, who took first place; a large structure appeared from the ground with the boys standing on it. Tokoyami and Todoroki were composed and silent.

Then there was Bakugou.

Quite literally chained up; hands covered, probably so he couldn't use his Quirk, and a metal mask covering his mouth, most likely to keep him from swearing up a storm. Using all the strength he had despite his bonds, the blonde was doing everything he could to break free. Looking like an absolute mad man in the process.

"He's been like that ever since he woke up," Kirishima had explained.

All Might even had a hard time presenting him with his first place medal. Thinking the mask was a bit much, The Symbol of Peace removed it before making a speech on Bakugou's accomplishments in the Festival.

"This isn't a real win for me!" the blonde yelled. "And I don't accept it!"

Back in the classroom, Mr. Aizawa instructed everyone to take the next two days off. It made Isla feel slightly worthless. She didn't really need the two days off, and contemplated asking the homeroom teacher if there as anything she could work on. "When you come back, we'll be talking about where you'll spend your weeklong internship," he added. "You still have a lot of work to do. Class dismissed."

Midoriya and Ochako waited for Isla as she packed her things and swung her messenger back onto her shoulder. Iida's empty desk caught her eye. It's not that she expected him to reach out to any of them; his first priority should be with his family and making sure his brother was taken care of.

"You gonna just stand here for two days, or what?" Bakugou's low voice startled Isla, making her jump.

"Oh! So – Sorry," she stuttered, eyeing the medal in his hand. "Con. Congratulations. By. By the way. I don't think. I ever got to tell you that."

Red eyes bore into hers and Isla found herself holding her breath. He had this way of making her forget simple human functions. Like breathing and talking. The way he was behaving now, was completely different from the awards ceremony. She still didn't understand why he was so angry; why he didn't consider this a real win. Why he adamantly refused his medal.

He rubbed the back of his neck, looking to the ground with an expression Isla couldn't exactly place. It seemed like he wanted to talk to her, but – he was acting nervous? Why? She couldn't help but want to wait for him to say whatever he wanted to assuming that's why he was still standing before her.

Ochako gently tapped her shoulder. "Hey. Deku and I are gonna head out."

"Tch," Bakugou clenched his jaw before turning on his heel.

Isla exhaled heavily, watching him disappear into the hallway. "Yeah," she finally decided. "Let's go."

"I've known Kacchan since we were kids. And I've never seen him act like that around anyone," Midoriya commented. "Usually his default demeanor is abrasive, loud and demeaning. But. Standing there just now, with you; he looked hesitant. Uncharacteristically quiet."

"I'm not going to deal with his back and forth anymore," Isla declared. "It'd be easier if he acted the same way with me like he does with anyone else."

As the three exited the building, the familiar scent of the blossoms on the trees calmed Isla's nerves regarding Bakugou. The sun was setting ahead of them, turning the sky brilliant shades of orange, pink and purple. Midoriya spotted Todoroki in the courtyard and jogged over to him. She couldn't hear what they were saying, but at one point during their conversation, the green-haired boy pointed to where she stood waiting with Ochako. Todoroki made eye contact, then began approaching her; while Midoriya was in the middle of a sentence. Isla swallowed hard, hear heart beginning to race.

"Evans," he acknowledged; stoic and hard to read as usual.

She tucked her hair behind her ears as a breeze blew in. "Hi. Hey," she stammered.

"I would like to speak with you before you head home, if that's okay?" He requested, clearly not noticing her nerves.

Isla opened her mouth, then closed it again quickly, swallowing the lump in her throat. "Talk. With me?" she squeaked. "O – Okay, sure." Ochako quietly squealed behind her as she grabbed Midoriya's bag and began gently dragging him away, a confused expression on his face.

Todoroki stood with his hands in his pockets, and she couldn't help but wonder if it if was because he didn't want to look at them. Almost every time he's confronted her, his hands are always hidden. Isla clung to the strap on her messenger bag. She couldn't keep eye contact with him, nor could he with her; save for a couple glances as Isla waited for him to speak.

"I want to thank you for supporting me," he finally said.

Isla blinked. "I don't understand."

He took a step closer to her. "I haven't been very kind to you since you came to UA. Despite that, you have done nothing but show me compassion. You didn't pry into my personal business. You gave me something to drink when I hadn't had anything since the start of the cavalry battle. And you –" His voice cracked, causing him to pause and clear his throat before making eye contact. "And you cheered for me. You wouldn't let me give up." His eyes showed a combination of sadness and anger. "Why?" he questioned her. "Why would you do that for me?"

Her eyes began to water, and she had to wonder if it was from what she'd over heard from his conversation with Midoriya. About his Number Two Hero father and his mom. Knowing all that, combined with how his match with Sero went, the awakening he experienced during his match with Midoriya, and the complete disregard from his father during his final match with Bakugou… She wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her uniform jacket. "I thought," she finally muttered. "You needed someone in your corner, and. And I wanted. To be there."

His eyes searched hers. "I really do mean it. Thank you."

Isla smiled through her tears. "Part of why I'm here is to help you succeed, isn't it?"

"Are you busy tomorrow?" he inquired. "I was wondering if you wanted to take a walk with me."

If it wasn't hard for her to breathe before, it certainly was now. "Ye – Yeah. Yes. I mean, no," she stuttered, shaking her head. "I'm not busy tomorrow. And I'd like that. To take a walk with you."

His mouth gently formed a smile as he pulled a piece of paper and pen out of his pocket; writing his home address on it. "It'll be easier to meet here. It's not too far from the school."

Isla took the writing and read over it with him to make sure she had it right. She nodded her head, keeping her eyes on his. "I'll see you tomorrow then."