Rehabilitation Center

"My father had her committed after that," Todoroki continued, returning his left hand to his pocket, eyes downcast. "I was only five. He had the audacity to say it was her fault, when he was the one who pushed her to that point. He didn't care one bit about my injury, what he'd done to my mother or the rest of our family. All he cared about was the fact that his 'masterpiece' was ruined."

He took a step closer to her, and Isla gasped as his stark grey and ice-blue eyes found hers. She swallowed the lump in her throat. "I'm so sorry that happened to you. I know that seems like a trivial response. I can't even imagine what that's done to you."

"My father had plans for me to take the spot of Number One Hero. To be better than All Might himself. He put me through Hellish training, pushing my body to the brink of hospitalization. Without my mother around to try and protect me, he only got more aggressive. I had plans of my own, however. I made a promise to myself, that when in any battle, I would absolutely never use my left side. I would win every time only using my mother's Quirk."

His eyes were watering and she desperately wanted to hug him. To comfort him. Losing the only person who probably showed him any kind of affection must be the main reason he's so cold and intimidating. He doesn't want to let people in; for fear of losing them or from the trauma of abuse he endured with his father.

He quickly darted his gaze to the ground, squeezing his eyes shut, and forcing his emotions down. "I never knew encouragement, support – or love after she left," he muttered. He closed the distance a little more between them and Isla was sure her heart was going to beat out of her chest. "That is – until I met you."

"Me? Until me? What. What did I do?" she stuttered.

"You took the time to tell me how well I was doing in the Festival. All my old mad could say was how childish I was acting. Never once did he congratulate me, comment on my strength or ability. And Midoriya. He made me remember something I'd forgotten a long time ago. Something my mother said to me. She said I could be whoever I wanted to be; as long as I stayed true to who I am. I lost who I was, and hadn't even realized it until you and Midoriya."

Isla smiled, as a breeze blew past them; gently pushing her auburn hair in front of her eyes. Before she could get it out of the way, she felt the warmth of finger tips on her temple, then behind her ear. Todoroki let his hand linger at her cheek for a moment before dropping it back down to his side.

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have had the courage to do this today," he murmured.

She was holding her breath from his, albeit, brief touch. "Do what?" she exhaled.

His eyes turned to gaze at a building amidst the courtyard. It looked like an apartment building, surrounded by a picture perfect white picket fence and each unit having very large windows. Without saying a word he made his way over to the entrance and Isla followed. There was a stone archway over the sliding doors that read "Rehabilitation Center".

The large windows on the ground floor let in enough sunlight to make you think you were outside. There were even small trees and bushes lining the entry way. It was extremely quiet, but not in an eerie sort of way. It was peaceful. A woman looked up from a reception desk and greeted them. "You are very welcome today," she smiled. "How may I direct you?"

"We're here to see Rei Todoroki, please."

Isla's eyes went wide as she looked up the boy beside her.

"Yes, of course," the receptionist obliged. "We only allow immediate family to direct visitation at this time. Do you have any identification on you?"

Todoroki pulled a wallet from his satchel, opening it to his school ID from UA. After inspecting it, the woman began to gush about how great he did at the Sports Festival and that she'd been rooting for him the whole time. Apparently his mother was one of the receptionist's favorite people; as she would spend a little extra time in her room during rounds.

He bowed as he put his wallet away. "Thank you very much for caring for my mother," nothing but stoic professionalism in his voice.

The receptionist stood from the desk. "It's my pleasure; she is such a joy to visit with. Her smile can light up any room. Right this way please, just down the hall." She stopped short directing her gaze to Isla. "I'm sorry, dear, but immediate family for direct visits at this time. You'll have to wait here."

Isla was fine with this and ready to take a seat on one of the chairs being warmed by the late morning sun; when she felt the chill of Todoroki's hand around hers. She gasped and stared, attempting to make sense out of what was happening just now. He stood frozen on the spot, not making any move to go with the receptionist to his mother's room.

"Come along, then." The woman said again.

Isla smiled gently. "Could you. Just give us a minute, please?" There were other people waiting to be directed; so with a nod, the receptionist busied herself with them. Isla gently squeezed Todoroki's hand. "Hey," she murmured. "Are you alright?"

What a stupid, loaded question to ask. Of course he wasn't alright.

Inhaling deeply through his nose, he set his gaze to the ground. "What if she doesn't want to see me? What if the sight of me takes her back to all those horrible, sad days? What if. She really does find me unbearable?"

In that moment, he looked like a five-year-old boy who simply wanted his mom. Isla wished she could reassure him that those things wouldn't happen. That their reunion would be happy, nostalgic and magical. She wished she could know for sure that his mother would smile at him, tell him she loves him and hold him all afternoon. She wished those things from the depths of her soul, but she couldn't promise him that's what would happen. She tugged on his hand, which caused his eyes to meet hers.

"You'll stay with me?" he whispered. "You'll be waiting right here the whole time?"

She gave him a small smile and nodded her head. "I'm not going anywhere."