Oh Good Lord

There was a little café in the lobby, and Isla took advantage of it; getting herself a large coffee and a muffin. She didn't mind waiting for Todoroki at all; especially with how anxious he was about seeing his mom. Her heart fluttered when she remembered how he grabbed her hand; how he had to have her assurance that she would be waiting for him. In all her life, she'd never met anyone who needed her. Isla found herself absentmindedly touching the hand that Todoroki held to her cheek.

It was quite pleasant, especially with how sunny it was. There was a little nook of sorts; with a bookshelf, computer desk, game table where two people worked on a puzzle, two soft-cushioned couches and lots of comfy chairs.

Isla perused the bookshelf and found a copy of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone in English. Lighting up, able to read a book in her favorite series of all time, she settled on one of the couches, put her coffee and muffin on a side table, and opened the book to the first chapter.

Harry was in his first Potions Class with Professor Snape when the receptionist came to check on her. "Can I get you anything, sweetheart? We have our Sunrise Café just down the hall there."

Isla smiled up at her. "I got a blueberry muffin and a white chocolate mocha. They're both fantastic!"

Her eyes were very kind and sparkled. "Oh good, I am glad to hear it. You are such a good love to that boy of yours. He's very lucky to have you."

Her eyes went wide and she felt the warmth in her face. "Oh I'm not. I mean we're not. Love. No. He's just. He's just my friend, that's all."

"Oh yes, of course. Very good friends," she cooed, returning to her desk.

Isla hid herself completely behind the book at this point, not even daring to reach for her coffee; just in case the receptionist felt the need to comment more on her love life. Not that she had one. With Todoroki. She most definitely didn't have a love life with Todoroki.

Oh good Lord.

It wasn't until Harry found the Mirror of Erised; about halfway through the book, that she heard a familiar voice. "You're. Still here."

She looked up to find his grey and blue eyes. Smiling, she plopped the book on the couch and went straight to him. "I promised." The whites of his eyes looked slightly red; the soft skin around them slightly puffy. "How did it go? Are you okay --?"

And then his arms enveloped her and he pulled her close. She puffed out a breath as she came into contact with his muscular frame. Her chin rested just below his shoulder, gaze towards the ceiling as he held her. He smelled of cinnamon and vanilla. "I'm glad. I'm happy you stayed. Thank you." His trembled with each inhale and swallowed hard

Her eyes went wide before she realized how stiff she must have felt in his grasp. Leaning more into him, she wrapped her arms around his waist, smiling into his shoulder. "You're welcome."

They thanked the receptionist, who winked at Isla, for her hospitality. The automatic doors slid open; late afternoon breeze refreshing their lungs. Todoroki stood motionless for a moment, gazing towards the sky. He turned to Isla, put his hands in his pockets and began the walk back to his house. "I told her about what it's been like at home. What it's been like with my father."

She looked up to him; knowing to give him time to gather his thoughts and words; if he chose to speak them at all.

"She cried. She cried and apologized for what happened to me. When I told her how sorry I was that I hadn't come see her. Because I was afraid I was just a bad memory to her. She held me and said I had nothing to be sorry for. That she forgave me, regardless." He squeezed his eyes shut, covering them with his arm and, Isla noticed, wiping away the beginnings of tears.

She grabbed the cuff of his long-sleeve button-down shirt and gently tugged on it. Just to remind him that he wasn't alone.

Todoroki put his arm back down at his side, taking a moment to regain his composure, even though he hadn't really lost any of it. "She told me to continue towards who I want to be. The kind of Hero. The kind of man I want to be." His eyes found hers. "I think I want to intern at my father's agency."

"Really?" Isla gasped, then covered her mouth quickly. The one thing she never wanted to lose with him was how much he liked the fact that she respected his space.

Todoroki wasn't offended at all though by her outburst. "He's a scumbag. But he's a scumbag with the judgment of a Number Two Hero. I can accept that, but it doesn't mean I've forgiven him. I'm not sure when I will. If I ever will. But I know that I will learn how to be the best with my own eyes by working directly with him."

They turned on his street just as the lights turned on. Isla retrieved her phone from the back pocket of her jeans and sent a message to her mom, letting her know they'd be back at his house in a few minutes. She responded quickly with a heart and kissing face emoji. She felt her face grow hot.

As they approached the front door, it slid open to reveal Fuyumi's bright smile. "You're back! Was it just the two of you together all day?!"

Isla's face was burning at this point. She tucked her hair behind hear ears. "I'm just. Going to wait for my mom. She said she'd meet me back here and help me figure out the train to get back."

"Don't be silly!" Fuyumi gushed, meeting them on the cobblestone walkway. "Shoto will wait with you, won't you?"

The boy standing before searched her eyes, his own seeming to light up as he smiled gently. "I'll stay with you. I'm not going anywhere."