Chapter 87: The Historical Couple

The next few days went by rather quickly. They were all stuck in doors, barely allowed to leave the quarters. Security  increased greatly and everyone was dutifully searched and the meals that was served were thorough examined.

They weren't going to take any chances and let the tiniest of detail go by without investigation.

The princes had to take lessons indoor, all their teachers had to take turns in taking them on different subjects after  being thoroughly searched by the guards and submitting any devices thst looked dangerous. They had to submit their phones and their bags and lesson notes searched for any hidden weapons of any sort.

The last teacher for the day took his leave , offering his greetings to the Prince on his way out.

"I can honestly say, today is the most boring day of my entire life" Jason admits 

"That's coming from an ever active guy. Imagine what I have to say about this class ?" Mark asked