Chapter 88: Kat's Secret Boyfriend

"I think we are just lovesick" Jason pouts 

"And this is the part you tell us to sit together?" Lauren asked 

Simi placed her hands on her hips stubbornly.

"No! You two are going to pay attention to what we've got to handle here!" Simi snapped 

"O kill joy" Lauren smirked 

Simi narrowed her eyes on Lauren, if she wanted to kill her joy, she knew a million ways to go about it! 

"I'll pretend you never said that" Simi nods 

Kat returns with a white-looking music box and attaches it to the wall.

"What's that?" Mark asked leaving forward 

"Our board" 

Kat pushed the blue button on the device and it spread out into a whiteboard! 

"Woah!" Mark chuckled 

"Is that technology or magic?" Jason frowns 

Kat smiled 

"Happy you find it amazing" she replied