Chapter 75

At Olympus a fierce battle raged on between the Olympus security forces and the CIS who were attacking the station.

Aina had already activated the Station's Defensive mode which will activate a bunch of Weapon's and also turn the station into a Fortress.

The OSF was completely occupied trying to protect people from the CIS attack and to also launch a counter offensive against the CIS.

But the OSF wasn't equipped to deal with an invasion force this large that was sent by the CIS. All they had were a few frigates and lot's of fighter's to attack the CIS which could hold out for sometime.

And from the shipyard part of the station the Engineering team had released a newly made cruiser to help with the defense of the station. But the cruiser was missing a lot of components since it wasn't 100% done yet so it's fighting ability was hindered greatly.

At the control room inside of Olympus station, Aina was bowing before a holo projection which showed her Master.

"Aina don't worry the Fleet is on it's way right now and should be their in 15 minutes" Said Alexander

"We have tried to save as many civilians as possible but the station's shield can't hold on under continuous fire from that many battle cruiser's" Said Aina as she stood up

That's when one of the people operating one of the computer's next to her had reported something "Ma'am the CIS has launched droids to invade the station and are landing all over the station, Security teams have already set up choke points to hold them off until reinforcements arrive but there are just too many"

"Alright I'll go myself" Said Aina as she turned back to the screen.

"Aina just be careful out their and don't do anything reckless" Said Alexander as he ended the call.

Aina didn't waste no time and had gathered up a team of OSF soldier's and headed for the places where the CIS was landing at.

Along the way she encountered large groups of droids trying to take control of certain part's of the station. But she and her team quickly got rid of them and moved on to the next location.

The CIS had launched countless droids to invade the station and take control of key locations.

Some were even heading to take control of the control room to turn the stations weapons against the OSF but they were defeated by Aina.

Eventually Aina had arrived at the location of a major battle between the OSF forces and the CIS droids.

She ordered her team to find cover while she threw a device ahead of the frontline which deployed a portable shield.

Once the shield was up the frontline had took this hance to breathe before they have to get back to battle. While the commander walked over to Aina and have her a salute.

"Ma'am we are holding the enemy off, but they keep on attacking causing some of the men to start getting tired and we have even taken some casualties" Reported the Commander

"Well now that I am here we shall continue to hold the enemy off" Said Aina

"Very well ma'am, but how long will that shield hold before it disappears" But as the Commander asked this the shield had broke causing him to rush to cover.

But the enemy wasn't shooting which caused him to look over the barricade that he was hiding behind to see a cloaked figure standing in between the droids and their frontline.

The Commander looked at Aina only to see her start walking towards the figure in silence.

Once she got close enough she stopped.

That's when the other cloaked figure spoke "Well what to we have here, A weak Jedi who is all alone" Said the cloaked figure as he pulled his hood off revealing his red face which had many horns on top of his head, and his face was marked with a tattoo.

"My Master wishes to know why a Jedi has established this station and to recruit you to join him" Said the hooded figure also known as Darth Maul.

"Unfortunately I will have to reject that proposal since there is a person who I already call my master and I will never betray him ever while I still breathe" Answered Aina

Darth Maul smiled at what he heard.

"Then I'm afraid you leave me no choice," he said as he drew his double-bladed lightsaber from his belt. "You will have to be eliminated."

Aina drew her own lightsaber, a sleek silver hilt with a brilliant purple blade. She took a defensive stance and prepared to face off against the force user in front of her.

The two circled each other warily, both waiting for the other to make the first move. Finally, Maul lunged forward, his lightsaber flashing through the air.

Aina parried the attack with ease, her lightsaber humming as it clashed with his own. The two continued to trade blows, Maul's red blade a sharp contrast to Aina's purple.

Despite his ferocity, Aina held her own against the Darth Maul. Her training had prepared her well for this moment, and she was determined not to let the CIS take control of Olympus Station.

As they continued to fight the Reinforcement fleet had already arrived from the Terran Ascendency.

"All ships, launch all fighter's and engage the enemy with everything we have" Ordered Alexander

In the next moment what was seen from the enemies POV was a giant fleet launching thousands of fighter's coming straight for them.

The CIS fleet was facing the station so started to turn around upon seeing the new fleet approaching.

The CIS Fleet Admiral was panicking seeing this new massive fleet approach, but he had his order's to capture this station no matter the costs.

Now that the Terran reinforcements have arrived they would need to break through the enemy position in order to land troops on the station and assist the OSF.