Chapter 76

Alexander was inside the bridge of his Capital ship, looking outside the window as the battle unfolded.

He watched as the brave Clone starfighter's fought brilliantly against the droid fighter's. This battle was the first time that the Clones would be used on a large scale.

Usually it would be by droids but the Clone were eager for battle so Alexander granted their wish and allowed them participate in this first battle that would be the beginning of the war against the CIS.

Standing next to him where his two apprentices Ahsoka and Nera watching the battle along side their Master.

They watched the battle unfold while behind them the bridge crew was hard at work making sure that the ship's systems were always at 100% functionality and operating the many systems of the ship.

Unfortunately Alexander's silent view of the battle was interrupted by the Captain of the ship who was also the Admiral of the fleet and his name was Admiral Karl.

He was named by Alexander as were the other Admirals, and High ranking Clone officers.

"Your Highness we have managed to break through their center and can now send the transport ship's to assist the station" Reported Admiral Karl

Alexander had his eyes closed as he was sensing something from the station "I sense a fierce battle is going on somewhere on the station" Said Alexander as he paused for a few moments trying to concentrate.

Admiral Karl didn't dare to disturb him while he was trying to figure something out and just stood their waiting for Alexander's response.

It wasn't long as a few seconds later Alexander turned around to face the Admiral "Admiral order the launch of the Relief forces to the station and prepare my shuttle along with the Spartan team"

"It will be done your Highness" Said Admiral Karl as he used the ship's Fleet manager console which was used to coordinate and manage the fleet and it's forces from the Command ship.

He relayed the order's to the other ship's before sending an order down to the hanger to prepare Alexander's shuttle.

In addition he also re-routed a large escort of Fighter's, and gunship's to escort Alexander to the station safely.

Alexander on the other hand was already walking to the Hanger bay with Ahsoka and Nera next to him.

"Master what were you sensing, is it Master Aina who is fighting" Asked Ahsoka

"Yes I believe so, I can sense the presence of two force users on the station who are both engaged in a fierce battle with each other" Said Alexander

"I sensed something too Master but I couldn't tell what it was" Said Nera

"Don't worry about it, you have only just began your training and the fact that you can sense it is good enough" Said Alexander

"With enough practice you will be able to make out exactly what is happening, So the first thing you need to do is just concentrate on that one thing and block out everything else" Explained Alexander as they got onto the elevator to head down to the Hanger.

Both Nera and Ahsoka had took his advice and tried it. They both had blocked everything else around them out of their mind and focused only on what is going on at the station.

They still couldn't make out what was going on but they could now feel the Force being used somewhere on the station.

"Master it is quite hard to make out how many force users are on the station" Said Nera

"Yeah, Master all I can feel is just the Force" Said Ahsoka

Alexander knew that the reason for that was because of their little training, so instead he will let them use his senses.

"Okay hold still and concentrate" Said Alexander as he placed one hand on Nera's left shoulder and the other hand on Ahsoka's right shoulder.

He then concentrated on the battle taking place on the station while sharing his senses with Ahsoka and Nera.

Immediately both Ahsoka and Nera felt cold. This was the result of them feeling the presence of Darth Maul.

"Master what is this feeling" asked Nera. Ahsoka looked at Alexander as she was thinking the same thing.

"That feeling is the power of the Dark side built up in one individual and harnessed by that person through the use of hatred" Explained Alexander trying to sound like a true Master even though he didn't that much knowledge on the Force, he just knows how to utilize a lot of it's abilities.

"So this person is one of the Sith that we were taught about" asked Nera

"Yes he is" Said Alexander as the Elevator opened up revealing the Hanger bay where already a line of soldier's were in front of Alexander all saluting with the Spartans in the front.

One of the Spartans saluted and sounded off "Lt. Daniels reporting as instructed Sir"

"At ease" Said Alexander as all of the troops stood in a relaxed position with their hands behind their backs.

"Men today we will be going to help out one of my Servants who you all know to be Aina, She is engaged in battle with another Force user from the Galactic Empire but no worried because I will handle him once I get their, But I need you men to destroy and kill any other enemy combatants that are in the area, and if their are friendlies to assist them immediately is that understood" Said Alexander

"Yes Sir" Shouted the soldier's in unison.

"Good, now board your shuttles and let's move out" Ordered Alexander as the soldier's all started to board their shuttles.

"Lt. Daniels you and your team is with me" Said Alexander as he boarded his shuttle followed by the spartan team and a few other soldier's.

After a few minutes, once everybody was ready the shuttle had departed the hanger.

Once they left the hanger a large escort group was waiting for them and began to get into a Diamond formation to protect their Emperor.