Chapter 77

"Lt. Daniels how many battle have you been in" Asked Ahsoka curiously

"Well most of what I do is classified but I can tell you that I have went against an entire garrison of Hundreds of troops and emerged victorious" Said Lt. Daniels.

Ahsoka and Nera looked at Lt. Daniels in amazement since this is their first time hearing stories from the Spartan's who were known as fierce warriors throughout the Order of Guardians.

"But most of our mission's are spent helping people and fighting against tyrants that abuse their power against the common people" Explained Lt. Daniels

"Awesome, can we hear more stories" Asked Ahsoka forgetting about the situation that they were in.

Suddenly the transport shuttle had shook as if they just got hit by something. That's when the Pilot came on the intercom "Your Highness we are picking up resistance from enemy fighter's but out fighter's are handling them" Reported the pilot.

"How long until we reach the station" Asked Alexander

"We will be landing at the station in 3 minutes your Highness" Reported the Pilot

"Okay everybody get ready" Said Alexander as he stood up from his seat and in front of the shuttle doors.

After three minutes the Shuttle along with it's escort shuttle had landed in one of the Hanger's of the station.

Once the door opened Droids were already waiting on them to get out. But these were not regular clone solder's. Instead they have been prepared for war their entire lives. 

The droids were gunned down with almost 100% proficiency as soon as the shuttle doors opened. The Clone soldier's move out in formation as the advanced forward towards the enemy.

Each soldier was equipped with a MK-II Personal shield making them be able to tank blaster shots from the droids.

In addition, the frontline soldier's in the formation carried hand held shields which were more powerful than the MK-II personal shields.

They could block continuous blaster fire for minutes before it needed to recharge it's energy supply.

The Commander who was in the middle of the formation was yelling order's as they exited the Shuttle, ordering man to move to various positions around the Hanger.

While Alexander and his two Apprentices were walking out behind the formation surrounded by clone soldier's.

Both Nera and Ahsoka had their lightsaber's drawn to block any blaster fire from hitting them, while Alexander just stood their walking looking around the battle field.

"Sir we have secured a way into the station, these men will stay here and protect the Shuttles and secure the Hanger while we move on ahead" Reported the Commander. Officer's and other soldier's were allowed to call Alexander Sir during times like this where they are in battle and need to get the message out faster.

"Excellent let's go then" Said Alexander as he followed the commander who led the way.

They had entered the hallway to the station as the commander pulled out his holo device to look at the map of the station which also showed their position to get to where they were going.

"Sir we are here about 5 minutes away from the location that you put on the map" The commander showed Alexander the map.

"I can feel the intensity of the battle, let's move a bit faster" Said Alexander as he dashed forward.

The other soldier's followed behind him not wanting to get left behind and so did Ahsoka and Nera.

Meanwhile Aina was still fighting with Darth Maul. They were equal in terms of power, but Maul utilized the dark side of the force through his hatred.

Aina was a grey Force user, one who used both the Light and Dark side of the Force. But for her when she uses the Dark side she loses control unlike her sister's.

That is why she is not using it. So she all she could do was try her best.

"I can feel it" Said Maul with a menacing smile.

"Your getting tired and weaker, your end is near"

Aina gritted her teeth, refusing to show any signs of weakness. She tightened her grip on her lightsaber and readied herself for another round of attack. She knew that she had to end this battle soon or she would fall to this Dark Force User.

With all her strength, Aina lunged towards Maul, performing a series of swift and precise moves. Maul responded with his own attacks, fueled by his intense rage and hatred. The two engaged in a fierce lightsaber duel, the sound of their blades clashing echoing through the hallway.

But it wasn't enough to stop him. Aina was thrown against the wall dropping her lightsaber as she lost all of her strength and fell on the floor.

Maul walked up to her as he stood their towering over her.

"I cannot lose to somebody like you" Said Aina as she tried to stand up but body wouldn't let her.

"The pitiful end of a weak Jedi" Said Maul as a droid commander approached him.

"Sir all of the enemy forces in this area have been killed" Reported the Droid Commander

"Good move on to our next objective I will catch up soon enough"

"Rojer Rojer" replied the droid as it marched on to the next objective.

"Now let this be a message to your Master, what's his name, ohhh yeah Alexander" said Maul as his smile widened

"You thought that we couldn't figure out the connection between you and that pretender Emperor, if so then he must be as pathetic as you" Said Maul as he raised his lightsaber preparing to give the final blow.

"You Should've accepted the offer" Was Maul's final words as he swung his Lightsaber down.

But his lightsaber was stopped before it reached her.

Aina who felt the presence near her only smiled since she knew that she could finally rest and leave it to her Master.

Maul had felt another presence near him and had looked up to see the person who he was just talking about walking towards him.

Maul now focused his attention on Alexander as he seen that amount of soldier's that was behind him.

But Maul had no intention of fighting him right now so he used his lightsaber to destroy the button that would close the Hard doors to seal off the hallway.

But the doors would not move not even an inch.

"Darth Maul, I haven't felt this much hatred for a person since my past" Said Alexander as he used the Force on Maul to lift him in the air.

"Let me go" Said Maul

Alexander pulled him towards him making sure that his head hit's every wall along the way.

"A quick death will be to easy for you, so instead you will come with me" Said Alexander as he motioned for one of the soldier's to come towards them.

"Do you have the restraints with you" Asked Alexander

"Yes Sir I have them right her" Said the soldier as he placed his bag down and pulled out some hand cuffs and a neck device.

"Good put them on Maul here and then take him to the shuttle for transport" Ordered Alexander

"Aye Sir"

The soldier placed the handcuffs on Maul and placed the device on his neck.

The hand cuffs were to keep him restrained, while the neck device will cut off his use of the force.

"I will kill you" screamed Maul

"Shut up" Said Alexander as he choked Maul using the Force until he fell unconscious.

The soldier's dragged him away quickly.

"Medic's start working on her immediately ordered Alexander"

He didn't show it on his face but he was worried about her condition.

That's when he pulled out a small Holo device and Cortana popped up in front of him.

"How can I help Alexander"

"I want you to start developing a Weapon to destroy an entire planet" Ordered Alexander

"Is it Taris Alexander" Asked Cortana since she already knew the situation and what was going on.

"Yes" Answered Alexander

"Well then it will take some time but we can do within 3 years" Said Cortana

"Good" Said Alexander as Cortana disappeared

And For the next few minutes Alexander waited for the Medical team to get down with Aina before he accompanied her to the transport and left the station.

Outside of the station was silent as the CIS has been defeated and all that remained was the Terran Fleet.

Today marked the beginning of a war that would change the Galaxy.