Chapter 1..

The small room was his only knowledge of the outside world, he only ate, slept, and grew each day.

His knowledge was very limited.. He heard the voices from outside the room playing the words of people he grew familiar with each and everyday, he became more attached to these voices as they were the only sense of comfort he had some were soft and feminine voices like that of a loving mother while others would be strange voices of a person he didn't know.

The only other thing he knew was the woman who fed him.

As long as he could remember the woman only showed her hand and sometimes her face that tried to peek inside through a small slot on the door before then pushing out either a bowl of soup or canned food, in which he never liked, that was cold and expired.

That slot was one out of two sources of light he ever got.. Some days when he was fast asleep the woman would would leave a candle stick with its fire before then closing the slot, the fire of the candle interested him as it was something that felt strange but unique to him.. warmth.

Every time he was met with the fire he would embrace it as if it were an old friend.

However, today the candle stick had once again gone out darkening the room.

He felt lonely once again trying to make out the voices on the outside of the room.

A loud shuffle was heard from outside the metal tight door before moments later the slot on the door opened shoving out a bowl of soup.

He lie in the corner of the room on his painful bed as it was the only thing he could lay on while having enough space for himself.

The hand retracted itself after giving its contents before the slot closed and a rumble from outside the door grew before stopping once again.

His vision in this room was good while still being a bit fuzzy as it was very dark most of the times..

Feeling hungry as he hadn't eaten in a few days like always he crawled out of the dark corner of his room and squatted in front of the bowl observing the contents of it.

The most he had gone without food was around 37 days while he waited for it as it never came until days later.

He was grateful that he could eat regularly once again every few days but still held some grudges against the food.

It was very distasteful and had a weird smell to it.

However, he wouldn't be picky as the bucket in the corner was much worse in terms of smells.

He slowly backed away with big footsteps and reached out with his right limb.

The light near the bottom of the door could reveal some parts of his room like his bed, bucket, dead candle, and bits of the ceiling which was the only things he had, as his forearm crept closer to the bowl five large black claws that were razor sharp to the point of it looking sharper than knives it gently grabbed the spoon that carried a chunk of the rotten carrot before retracting his arm back into the darkness.

He munched on its contents with its disgusting chewy flavour before spitting out a half eaten carrot chunk covered in saliva with sharp holes intruding into its shape.

Very much dissatisfied at todays meal he slowly began to eat the rest of the soup before gulping it all down his body with a large slurp before feeling almost nauseous.

He grabbed the spit out carrot chunk in a gloomy feeling and ate the rest of it before putting aside he bowl and rusted spoon back to the large metal door.

He grabbed the dead candle stick and crept back onto his painful bed and fell asleep.

Throughout the night he could hear the voices of the woman and other person disappear before everything through the crack under the door dimmed into darkness making the room pitch black.

Slowly comforting himself in the silence of the room with only the generator humming through the walls he hugged himself while holding the candle playing with it around in his long sharp humanoid fingers.

Shortly after he felt the urge to sleep once again and he did so without no hesitation as it took him to a place that was much better than he knew here.

His dreams showed that of his room which was much larger and he had many, many more candles to hug onto with all of it aflame, he heard only the feminine voice of the person this time and not the other voice.. the food the woman gave him was much steamier and more delicious.

He wished to cling onto this everyday as he tried to reach out and grab a candle.

He did so easily and caressed the candle with his dangerous hands without harming it.

He jumped around in joy before everything turned black again.

A loud banging could be heard from outside the room making him awake while being startled at the sudden noise.

Slowly leaning up from the bed he grabbed at his candle but noticed in the darkness and from touch that it had crumbled into many small pieces as every other candle had done before turning into nothing.

Clenching his hand he felt grief once again but continued to get off his bed.

The slight from pounder the metal door showed shadows of figures rustling about with each other.

He could barely make it out and watched as shouts and screams could be heard.

There were voices of people he had not known before making shouts at the familiar woman he had heard before.

Wondering what was happening he became restless and started scratching at the metal door to try and get the woman to come to him which had worked sometimes before but only ended in him getting hit with a big wooden stick hitting his hand while not really hurting him.

After a few moments of doing so the room became silent before a shadow ran towards the door and a large rumble could be heard once again.

A half-second after the shadow came to the door every other shadow came directly towards it with yells being heard.

The rumble stopped and a large click could be heard before the shadow under the door grabbed at the metal door pulling it open.

As he was watching the shadows from below the door light he stood up to his full height wanting to see what was happening and he got what he wanted..

The door creaked slightly open revealing a large light from outside the room almost completely blinding him.

A few moments later his eyes adjusted and he saw so many new things in front of him.

The very first thing he saw was the woman being held by 2 men in blue clothes with black leather hats and a yellow emblem on the hat and shirt.