Chapter 2..

The figures in front of him looked at his form..

His figure was something monstrous in which they had never seen before.

He stood at 8 feet tall with grey and black skin that extended all around his body from his large dragon like feet with sharp nails up to his round head revealing a row of sharp rotating teeth that moved whenever he wanted to, his pupils were as black as night while his iris was slightly orange, however different from that of a normal human he was already different with an extra 3 eyes adding up to a total of 4.

They all stared in one direction and it was directed to the people in front of him.

Tommy… watched the people in front of him that didn't seem to move and were like statues.

Tommy continued to stare with his hulking frame and large wendigo like appearance however without large goat horns and more of a thorn-lizard type build which split from his head in 2 rows all the way down to his curled up snake like tail.

His torso was very muscular along with his legs and between those legs a dangly elephant trunk flowed with the air around them.

He made small chitters and clicking sounds with his mouth as it opened and closed with his sharp teeth within.

After moments of confronting the people in front of him a person in blue clothing with a face he didn't know reached below his waist and grabbed something.

Tommy watched the person with confusion and curiosity while wondering what he is as he has only seen the woman and his room before.

All that happened now was like a new world.

While slowly starting to drift into thought the person in front of him grabbed out a small object with a point sticking out towards him.

Tommy watched in fascination as this happened and wanted to reach out and grab it.

Before he could do anything else the person in blue shouted at him with a voice he heard from earlier under the door light in a panicked tone while shaking the object he held.

Tommy slowly tilted his head not knowing what he was trying to say as it was deranged but he could barely make out a few words.

As he doesn't speak or learn very much he could make out the words the person spoke like "hand up!", or "Get down!".

Tommy didn't know what these meant as he only heard from the sound outside in his years in the room and could only get himself to repeat them while steadily improving his language.

The most favourite thing he learned was the name of "candle" and "fire" which was what he loved so much.

The woman he recognised started to shout at me trying to say "Get them!" Or "Kill Them!" But was silenced by the people holding her.

The 2 people holding her backed away behind the person with the object and before long even more people started to stream in staring directly at me.

Small devices that they held or wore had static voices entering and exiting at a rapid pace.

The woman tried to struggle herself free and managed to do so before running to the kitchen to grab a large butcher knife.

Tommy had no clue what was happening but after the person stopped screaming in front of him for the last time, he turned around towards the woman who was charging to a fellow officer and a loud bang bursted through the room.

The woman he had always know fell to the ground creating a pool of blood.

Tommy was startled by this act and began to move before making his way over to her.

The officers before him shouted at him once more saying "This is your last warning!" and so on but he didn't know what they meant.

Gradually making his way to the body the officers moved out of the way and fired another shot towards Tommy's chest.

The impact slightly shook him and he turned one of his black eyes to the officer who coward in fear as they saw nothing happened to me.

Tommy felt the small feeling of pain from behind but it was much less than something of a scratch.

The officers began to exit and rush outside the door to the house before all aiming their guns at him.

Tommy didn't care less as they didn't really do much and made his way to the woman.

He nudged her a bit to get her to move with his long sharp hand but she lay still.

No movement of any type was made out from her.

Tommy flipped her over and saw her sprawled out body with the bullet hole that gushed out gallons of blood.

Before Tommy had cut himself with his own claws in boredom and saw the familiar blood fluid from the wound he made.

The pain that he went through was great but it slowly healed after a few seconds.

Tommy understood what it meant to see red liquid and waited for her to heal as well.

However, as time passed more and more people grew at the doorway with some in black clothes with only their eyes displayed holding larger objects similar to the object the person in blue held and with that the woman didn't move and before long the blood stopped gushing.

Feeling excited that the woman would come back as the red liquid stopped from her body he waited and waited but saw no reaction.

Tommy became worried and tried to listen to her heartbeat in which he knew how to find with his own body before which was somewhere on the wrist even attempting to try and follow where the best went and it stopped in his chest, in attempt to see what the weird hing within him was he ripped it out with his massive claws and held a large weird shape that kept pulsating and pulsating before it stopped and all went black… after an unknown amount of time he woke up seeing small puddles of blood on the ground before him and the pulsating thing that he had was back within him beating once more.

Wanting to try and see what was happening with the woman he put his large fingers onto her wrist and tried to feel the pulse of the woman but found nothing.

Slowly going up the arm of the woman he opened up her strange covering that surrounded her body in which he didn't have and it revealed a plump part of her that made Tommy slightly warm below himself which made him curious but he ignored it.

Ripping into her body he found the similar shaped organ that he had but it didn't pulse.

Now having realised what happened he felt something he hadn't know before.

Many emotions raged through his brain all with confusion, sadness, and anger.

He didn't know what to do with all these as it started to take over his mind blinding him.

Small tears of black liquid seeped from his multiple eyes and he let out a screech that sounded throughout the house and maybe even beyond that.

The officers and swat team who were trying to find a way inside to capture whatever he was, covered their ears as the deafening sound pierced their ears like a shock wave which shook and rattled their heads.

Some of the officers passed out while some still tried their best to keep themselves up.

Tommy moments later stopped at his sudden outburst and picked himself from beside her.

He found what had happened to her and would never want to see it again.

What he had always known was now gone from what these unknown strangers had done.

Turning around he looked towards the many people who stood in his doorway and the very sight of them fuelled his anger.