Chapter 3..

Tommy slowly moved forward away from the dead woman past everything he saw and stopped directly in front of the person who killed her.

The person looked up in fear as the massive figure stood in front of him.

Letting out a scream the person aimed their gun at Tommy and let out repeated rounds of ammo before the gun let out a *click* signalling that they ran out of ammo.

Tommy stood in silence while his mouth started to open showing his rotating teeth.

The person had beads of sweat rolling down his cheeks before he began to run away back into the group of people outside before being pulled back in by Tommy.

Letting out a growl Tommy closed the door and boarded it up with a bunch of unknown things he saw while one he recognised to be similar to his bed but much better with white and red sheets and fluffy things on one end of it.

Tommy while dragging the officer silenced his screams with his giant hand closing his mouth before walking around.

All the while he could hear bangs from outside the door as the people tried to get in.

Walking around he found so many new things that he hadn't seen before and took as much as he could within him and headed towards a weird shaped floor that headed upwards.

Tommy tried to balance one foot after the other on the stairs and slowly got adjusted not falling at all.

Making his way up the stairs he found more and more rooms.

He entered a room that was filled with vast colours and small toys.

Looking around he saw a small cage that held something that completely dumbfounded him.

There lied a small person that resembled that of the woman he had known.

The person however had no hair and was crying it's eyes out.

The officer seeing this tried to squirm himself free but was stopped by Tommy before he threw the officer to the wall knocking him out.

Making his way over to the baby he looked into her tear soaked eyes and saw the woman.

It was something that made him feel more calm and better.

Reaching in the crib careful not to poke her with his massive claws he held the baby before him.

The baby he held slowly stopped crying and also looked into his multiple eyes.

Not afraid of his appearance the baby cooed and started to slowly giggle and fall asleep once again.

Feeling afraid that the baby had also died like the woman he felt her wrist and thankfully felt her pulse.

He felt an instinct he hadn't felt before with this small life form and that was protection.

He didn't want what happened to the woman to happen to this baby.

Leaving the unconscious officer in the room he exited the room and made his way around the house.

During which the swat team and police tried to get inside but to no avail.

The windows themselves were boarded up with metal as if they were expecting zombie apocalypse.

Each room Tommy went into he found almost all the same, large beds but with better cushioning and had blankets with pillows, large shelves holding hints he didn't know.

As he made his way out of the last room he went back downstairs and saw the familiar dead body of the woman.

Feeling pain in his chest he looked down to see the baby biting on him with massive sharp teeth sucking red liquid out of him.

It however didn't hurt him and seeing the soft expression of the baby it seemed she was happy and not harmed.

Seeing the satisfied appearance of the baby he continued to hold her as she fell back asleep and wondered what to do next.

He saw the door with all the things piled in front of it with loud banging outside trying to make their way in.

Tommy didn't know what to do and started to wonder how to get out another way.

He didn't want to have to go out and face more people and instead looked around more.

Fortunately, he found a similar door with no metal on it leading to a small yard with large metal fences.

Making his way outside the door by trying to figure out how the mechanisms work for the doors, he saw large patches of green that gave refreshing smells to Tommy.

On the porch before the grass he waited while staring below towards his feet.

Feeling nervous he slowly lifted one foot and stepped onto the green.

It felt so cold but yet so warm and he took out his next foot and walked toward.

He felt so free walking in this vast space and wondered to the large metal fence.

There he stopped in front of it looking upwards.

The whole gate stood around 10 feet which was crazy itself but for Tommy he just need to reach up an arm.

As he did so his whole body creaked as it adjusted to his arm extending to great lengths as it hadn't experienced this before.

Grabbing onto the top of the fence he began to lift himself and he did so easily while holding the baby in one hand.

Tommy let out his long tongue to taste the wind around him which satisfied him.

Everything was new and he loved new.

As he hoisted himself over the fence he saw a large city of lights in the distance under the dark sky.

His brain began to overload as he saw everything for the first time.

He couldn't say what he thought into words but could only express himself with expressions and feelings.

Slowly after making his way form the fence he started to walk towards the city in hopes of finding different things but was stopped as a bright flash of light blinded him and a loud sound of buzzing could be heard.

Looking up he barely saw a large metal craft of sorts looking down on him.

There he saw people on top of it shouting at him with a speaker.


Tommy not knowing what they were saying looking before a loud sound ringed through his ears and he felt something hit his head.

Reaching up to his head he felt a small thing sticking out of him with a fluffy tip.

Pulling it out and saw a small needle with green liquid inside it.

Not knowing what it his he ate it thinking it would be food but it wasn't very good.

The person watching watched in shock but shot another bullet however filled with a stronger sleeping dose.

Feeling something slightly more noticeable he grabbed it again and saw a darker green liquid and decided to throw it away since it probably wouldn't taste good.

Tommy didn't know what these people were trying to do but after this the person up top let out a yell in his speakers and afterwards soldiers in grey and brown surrounded him from large bushes in trees.

All of them held a gun similar to that of the person in the helicopter.

Each person has an emblem of a thunder bolt which was something Tommy noticed easily.

However, they didn't let him have any time to do anything and a moment later they all shot darks filled with black liquid which penetrated all around Tommy's body.

Seeing the incoming fire he shielded the darts from the baby protecting her but his sight began to become fuzzy like when he was in the room and before long he felt control over his body shaken before falling to the ground in his back while holding the baby.

The baby who noticed Tommy fall let out a whine and tried to wake him but to no avail.

Tommy's sight began to worsen and all he saw was the soldiers take the baby away and then the helicopter above him shined the lights into his eyes before he then passed out.