chapter 4:When did I say I was leaving?

"What an arrogant kid!" Manager Zhang's expression turned sullen, "Are you afraid you don't know the background of Huangcheng KTV? I can tell you that with our energy, even if you are thrown into the sea tonight No one can do anything to us, I advise you the best..."

"Why do you talk so much nonsense?" Mu Qiu was a little impatient, and looked at Manager Zhang with a disdainful expression.

Manager Zhang was immediately angry, and he waved his big hand: "Damn, the kid who doesn't know the heights of the earth, give me a fight!"

Eight or nine KTV thugs standing behind him immediately swarmed. With the background of the imperial city KTV, no one dares to make trouble here, but some people who drink alcohol and don't know anything are prone to trouble. Bars are the same, so the existence of thugs is very necessary. They may not need how strong fighting ability, but they must be fierce and strong, at least able to hold the ground.

These eight or nine big men are all strong and fierce people. At this time, they rushed to one person. If they changed to other people, they would be scared to move. However, Mu Qiu remained cold-eyed until the first one. When the person rushed over, he lifted a kick. In his own view, this kick was very slow, but in the eyes of others, it was a lightning kick. The person was kicked before he could react.


The big man screamed and flew out, and hit the other three. The huge force slammed into the three of them, and also knocked them to pieces. This scene shocked the others, but Mu Qiu didn't. Give them time to react, and twisting is a whip kick on the face of another person.

This foot still didn't use much force, but the man was drawn by this foot in the air like a spinning top before he fell to the ground. After falling to the ground, he fainted, his face was fainted. A scarlet footprint was particularly dazzling.



"Is this the **** kidding me?"

The other big guys who were still standing were already shocked at this time. They didn't dare to come forward easily, and their eyes were filled with deep amazement when they looked at Mu Qiu.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, Mu Qiu, for successfully manifesting the saints and gaining 2 points of manifestation."

Mu Qiu ignored the system's voice. He looked at Manager Zhang, who was also in shock, and sneered: "What do you want to persuade me now?"

Manager Zhang couldn't help but swallowed his saliva. It was indeed the first time he saw someone who could hit this way, but that didn't mean he was scared. The background of Huangcheng KTV gave him enough confidence, even in such a situation. The down can still be extremely hard.

"You kid can fight, but I tell you, you'd better not be too arrogant, so what if you can fight? Can you beat dozens of people and 100 people?"

Manager Zhang spat fiercely. He was about to call someone, but when he saw his eyes flashed, he only felt a gust of wind whizzing past his ears, and the phone that he had just kept in his hand disappeared.


The mobile phone that flew out hit the wall and smashed into pieces, and Mu Qiu's hand was already on Manager Zhang's shoulder. He sneered: "Want to call? No hurry, I'll call an ambulance for you later."

After all, he pressed Manager Zhang's hand and began to shrink.

Manager Zhang only felt that his shoulders were being pressed by a hydraulic machine. The feeling of bones and flesh being slowly kneaded together really made him feel painful, and while wailing, he did not forget to shout.

"Ahhhhhhh! Do it! Kill him for me! Kill him for me!"

Several other big guys swallowed their saliva when they saw it. The extraordinary combat power that Mu Qiu showed really made them no longer want to be an enemy, but this is their job. If they ran away today, they would be called by Manager Zhang. Fearing that there would be no good fruit, they weighed the pros and cons and rushed to Mu Qiu resolutely.

"Boom boom boom!"

However, they came and went fast. They didn't even see how Mu Qiu made the move. They felt a pain in their abdomen, and their body flew out of gravity instantly, and finally hit the wall all at once. I was already wailing when I was on the ground, and it was difficult to stand up for a while.

Manager Zhang looked at this scene in horror. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have imagined that a person could fight like this!

"You...what do you want to do..." Manager Zhang was really panicked this time, big beads of sweat dripped from his forehead, and his voice was trembling, "This is the imperial city ktv, dare to make trouble here. No one will end well! But...but! I can give you a chance. If you let me go now, I can still let you go out safely, otherwise ah ah ah ah!"

Manager Zhang was still pretending to be forced, but before he finished speaking, Mu Qiu squeezed his shoulder severely, and his painful complexion suddenly turned pale, and a heart-piercing cry was made in his mouth.

Mu Qiu said with a look of disdain: "Let me go out safely? When did I say that I was leaving? You provoke me and think it's all right? Heh..."

As he said, he squeezed Manager Zhang's shoulder with one hand, opened the box door and walked out.

Outside the imperial city KTV, a dark Maserati president cut through the night sky and neon lights. A beautiful drifting flick stopped at the KTV door. The security guard greeted him immediately and shouted as he walked: "Sir, you can't park at the KTV door. , Please park in the parking lot over there."

The car door opened, and a man in a suit and sunglasses walked out. He ignored the security guard on the side and turned to look at the parking lot not far away. When he saw one of the familiar sports cars, a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "I found it..."

The name of the visitor was Wu Qiang, who was Mu Qiu's bodyguard. Before, she was a special soldier under Ms. Mu Qiu's hands and was specially sent by Ms. Mu Qiu to protect Mu Qiu.


The security called Wu Qiang again. Wu Qiang was about to speak, but saw several people flying out of KTV. They fell heavily to the ground, rolling on the ground in pain, and even the glass revolving door of KTV was smashed to pieces.

The security guard was taken aback, but Wu Qiang saw the familiar figure standing in the KTV at a glance, and then he couldn't help but look surprised: "Master?!"