Chapter 5: Extremely powerful

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, Mu Qiu, for successfully manifesting the saints and gaining 2 points of manifestation."

Mu Qiu went all the way from the box to the lobby on the first floor. When the staff saw Manager Zhang being held hostage by him, they rushed towards Mu Qiu without saying anything, but the result was naturally that they flew out faster than they rushed up. Along the way, Mu Qiu could be said to be the gods blocking and killing the gods and Buddhas...cough, it was a bit exaggerated, but it was almost the case.

No one is Mu Qiu's enemy. Either he was slapped and slapped by Mu Qiu, or kicked by Mu Qiu. No one could withstand his blow. This made Mu Qiu excited and sighed at the same time. This chaotic Eucharist is against the sky. It stands to reason that this physique will not be effective until Mu Qiu grows up. At that time, even if he was not an immortal, Mu Qiu was almost the same, but now his physique has only improved, and his body has changed so much. It really deserves to be the development of Chaos. Only Pangu possesses a strong physique.

And because of his toughness and irresistibility, the KTV staff lay down along the way, and most of them were deterred by Mu Qiu's toughness, hiding aside shivering and daring not to come forward, so he provided Mu Qiu with Many sacred points.

He stood in the lobby on the first floor, ignoring everyone around him. The employees hid and shivered and wondered what to do. The customers were shocked, not knowing what happened. Some people even though they were shooting a movie and looked for cameras everywhere.

Manager Zhang was still pinched by Mu Qiu's shoulders, and Ma Qiu's strength was very good. He didn't directly crush Manager Zhang's shoulders, just pinched him out of shape. This would make Manager Zhang feel the pain in his heart. Will not be abolished.

Manager Zhang's face was pale at this time, his sweat had already soaked his clothes, but he was so scared by Mu Qiu that he didn't dare to say a word now. His domineering and toughness have long ceased to exist. Every time Mu Qiu beats a person. , The shock in his heart is even more, and now he even doubts his three views.

Is there a superman in this world? ??

No one around dared to step forward, but Mu Qiu still felt that his hands were itchy and unbearable. Suddenly he gained such a powerful force, he deliberately vented it, but it is a pity that there are some five scums here, which can't satisfy his fighting desire. , But he didn't plan to fight anymore, because he was hitting ordinary workers and thugs all the way, and hitting them couldn't solve the problem at all.

Just at this moment, a person rushed in from outside, Mu Qiu saw him at a glance, and then smiled: "Xiaoqiang, you are late."

Xiao Qiang is what Mu Qiu calls Wu Qiang. Although he is older than Mu Qiu and is Mu Qiu's bodyguard, Mu Qiu's personality has been arrogant and arrogant since he was a child. Yu politely controlled Wu Qiang to call Angkor or Qiang, but he would not.

Wu Qiang has been with Mu Qiu for a few months. Naturally, he knows Mu Qiu's character and doesn't care about this title, but now he is shocked by what happened at the scene. He looked around and then couldn't believe it. Looking towards Muqiu: "Master, this... you did it all?"

Although not many people dared to take action on Mu Qiu by killing them on the first floor, Mu Qiu still took a shot and knocked down a few of them who were not long-eyed. They were either photographed on the wall and couldn't be buttoned-down, or they fell on the wall. The ground was wailing endlessly, and there were a few others who were kicked and flew outside by Mu Qiu.

Mu Qiu nodded and said dismissively: "It's just a bunch of trash that doesn't have eyes. I've taken a shot."

Wu Qiang is very shocked now, even if he has only been with Mu Qiu for a few months, he knows exactly what kind of person this young master is. He is arrogant, arrogant, domineering, bullying, ignorant and conceited. He is indulged in feasting, indulging in wine and women, unable to extricate himself.

It can be said that he has accounted for all the characteristics that an evil young man can have. The seven deadly sins that everyone can't avoid in the legend are simply his most obvious characteristics, but this is the case, and it will not change the fact that he was originally a scumbag. , Mu Qiu's body was weak all year round because of his body being hollowed out by alcohol, and sometimes playing women had to take medicine. Wu Qiang knew this very well.

And how could Mu Qiu like this single-handedly overturn so many people?

Wu Qiang couldn't figure it out, and he also found that the original body was thin and pale, and looked like a patient Mu Qiu all day long. Now not only has his complexion improved a lot, but he also exudes a sense of harmony with the heavens and the earth. His aloof aura, that aura is not bullying, but deep, heavy, and sharp, as if as long as someone dares to offend him, he will launch the most terrifying counterattack.

There is such a thing as momentum. Wu Qiang has felt it in Muqiu's aunt. He will never forget the day he first entered the army. He took the initiative to challenge Muqiu's aunt because he refused to accept a woman, and was finally hanged and beaten. The experience, that is the shadow of his life.

And at this time, he also felt a similar aura in Mu Qiu, but this aura was more frightening than Mu Qiu's sister-in-law, and even Wu Qiang had a faint feeling that he couldn't help but bow his head in front of Mu Qiu.

Seeing Wu Qiang's face was weird, Mu Qiu knew that he was surprised at his change, but Mu Qiu didn't bother to explain anything to him. He casually threw Manager Zhang aside and chatted with Wu Qiang freely, and Wu Qiang looked awkward after understanding the ins and outs of the matter and asked Mu Qiu if he needed to contact the person behind him.

Moving backstage naturally requires moving backstage, otherwise, Mu Qiu will not be able to resist this legal society no matter how strong he is now. After all, he has caused a riot in KTV and caused many minor and serious injuries. If there is no backstage, he will be severely injured. Sentenced, after all, he hasn't reached the level of invulnerability now, and he has to be killed even if he is shot.

But if he moves his backstage out, who in this world can handle it? Mu Qiu has that self-confidence, even if the leader of Huaxia provokes Mu Qiu, he must carefully weigh the consequences!