The Edwin Family

In the headquarters of the Edwin Family, a place where only the elites of the elites are allowed to reside in, a young man with silver hair was slowly walking.

This young man was Donovan Edwin.

His mind was in a mess. "What Aurelia tells the guy, and he runs away?", he whispered to himself. Along his walk, he received weird glances for it.

However, everyone that was at the headquarters were geniuses were everywhere, so they didn't bother thinking about it for too long.

Donovan soon reached a manor after a while. There was a device, right beside a seemingly vast door, which Donovan sent his qi towards.

The device was meant for people who have reached certain ranks in the family. Only a selected few geniuses could be identified and use this lock.

After sending his qi towards it, there was a faint rumbling sound. Then, the door slowly opened, and Donovan stepped inside. Just then, an ancient voice spoke out. "What are you doing here, Donovan?"

As this voice sounded out, an old man that looked very frail, yet excluded a presence full of vitality appeared in front of Donovan. The old man wore white robes, with the symbol of the edwin family embribed on the upper right of the robe

It was two swords, with fire dancing around it.

"Oh, Elder Liam, greetings", Donovan replied with a bow.

"No need for a genius such as you to bow, what do you need me for?" The elder spoke.

"Elder, there's this man that threatens to cripple me if I don't do what they say, and he seems to not know how great our family is", of course, Donovan lied.

He knew he would instead get scolded were he to say the truth, since he's doing this all out of jealousy.

As expected, the elders face clearly showed an expression of anger. The Edwin family was one of the ten great families of the west and ranked 8th, yet someone dared try to cripple one of it's descendents?

With no more questions asked, the elder directly asked the location of "that man", in which Donovan happily replied with a secret snicker.

"Alright, I shall personally let this man know what it means to anger the Edwin family."

"It's fine elder, I hope you go easy on him, he doesn't know of our family's great reputation". Donovan said to rile up the elder more.

"No! You are one of the great geniuses of this generations descendants, were you to be crippled, we would've faced disastrous consequences!".

After all, since he was one of the great geniuses, the family spent countless treasures on him. Though he might not be able to become it's next patriarch, he would still be one of the most respectable figures in the family.

Not wanting to hear Donovan try to protect the man anymore, the elder sent him off. After doing so, he directly flew out of the family, and traveled at a speed of 500 meters per second.

With this speed, it was only a matter of time before he reached Aarth's location. While he was flying, the people below felt fear.

"Heavens! such a mighty presence!"

Despite being several hundred meters under the elder, they still felt a tremendous pressure weighing down on them.

They wondered which person angered such a bigshot, and hoped that the powerhouse wouldn't also take out his anger on the innocent.

Countless small kingdoms were paying attention to this matter, especially the ones in the direction the elder was flying towards!