A Little Warning Would Be Nice!

Vincent wished Maya hadn't wandered off because now he was incredibly bored. But who was he to stop her from doing what she wanted to do?

He knew from the start she would want to explore so he made necessary precautions. He got the walkie talkies since there wasn't cell phone reception out here and made sure there was a first-aid kit in her purse. He had also put a GPS tracker on it in case she got lost and he wasn't able to get a hold of her. He wasn't taking any chances. 

His wife was too important to lose, as much as he was loath to admit it. He preferred when she was somewhere safe and easily accessible. 

Being without Cassandra made Vincent feel exposed. Vulnerable. He had become far too reliant on his AI since her creation and not being able to use her left him on edge. He couldn't simply ask where Maya was like usual and he didn't like it at all.