Like A Wrecking Ball

Maya's excitement about how amazing her new home was waned after a couple days of not seeing Vincent since he was holed up on the boat setting it up to be self-drivable. She had explored everything but it wasn't nearly as fun doing things by herself. 

She was glad when he called for her to come pick him up. That meant she would actually see him again briefly before he had other things to do. 

She was beginning to realize she preferred his company to being by herself and that was problematic because he was a busy person. A busy person who didn't like to be disturbed most of the time. 

Getting greedy wouldn't end well for her. He was granting her an hour or two of companionship a day and she had to make the most of it. She did things she could do by herself most of the day while he was in his workshop (which was admittedly much more impressive a set up than the garage had been) and waited to do activities best done with a buddy until he was free.