You're Adorable

Maya was more than a little weirded out when she woke up and saw two Vincents and another Maya in the room. The one she assumed to be her real husband was wearing his pajamas and walking around the other, who was wearing a suit and tie, as if conducting an inspection. 

Obviously she knew that bringing along robotic doppelgangers to the conference was the plan all along but it was still weird to see first thing in the morning. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. 

"Morning, Vincent." 

"Good morning," both said back at the same time before the real one sighed and scolded the other. "No, that's MY Maya. Yours is over there."

The robot turned and looked at his wife, who was also dressed up for the conference standing silently a few feet away. She looked back at him and spoke in Maya's voice, parroting what she had said a moment ago. "Morning, Vincent."