You're A Lot Scarier Than You Appear

Maya's eyes nearly popped out of her head. "You're trying to take over the world?!"

"I'm trying to change it," Vincent corrected. 

"You—" she cut herself off, unable to properly put her thoughts into words. She looked like she was about to burst a blood vessel before speaking as calmly as possible. "You didn't want a partner. You wanted a partner in crime. You needed someone to make your secret lair and didn't want them to be able to talk later. That's why you married me, isn't it?"

"Yes. Spouses can't be subpoenaed. It's one of the few laws I find useful."

There was no point in lying. She had caught on quickly. And she already knew he hadn't had the best motivations for marrying her initially despite falling in love with her later. 

Maya sighed heavily and slumped against his work table, at a loss. "Vincent…you know I love you but you're quite possibly the least qualified person to rule the world. You don't care about people enough."