chap. 4 - Ghost Rider and Daredevil

*(In Brazil, Daredevil is called Demolidor, and when I translate it to English, it becomes Blaster, Ghost Rider is called Motoqueiro Fantasma, and when I translate it to English, it becomes Ghost Pilot. So if you notice this error, please let me know. Thank you.)


After breakfast, I leave the children playing, the women chatting, and I feel lonely. I need one more man in my pack.

Understand, it is not that I don't support them, but not having a guy to talk to about soccer, basketball, formula 1, is sad. I miss this interaction.

An idea I have been thinking about for a while, I have the solo leveling skills with me, the one with the shadows, can I create a group of my own?

I warn people that I am leaving, get in my car, go to a cemetery.

Once there, I go to the grave of the indigents, "Rise" and the unbelievable happens, nothing.

I drive around the cemetery, trying to remember or understand how this ability worked. I stop next to a grave, on it are the words "A family gone, the Morlocks" and underneath what seems to be a list of people's names.

I smile, think about the ability to bring the impression of shadow and say "Rise up, Annalee."

The shadow appears, it is in a humanoid form, you can see few traces of who it once was. I begin to study the shadow, it has good resistance, strong, and can move through the shadows like any other, it may or may not become tangible at your choice. It has no other abilities.

My smile widens. "Subarashi" has escaped.

I say the names of the other eleven on the list, and they all come up. But I also realize that my power has taken a slight drop. Still, I am happy.

Walking towards the exit, I meet an old man holding a shovel, and a guy in black clothes. He looks at me and his skull lights up.

"Cool" I say as he walks over to me.

"Why do you disturb their rest?" he asks in a cold voice.

"Sorry buddy, I just needed some helpers. I promise I will no longer disturb the dead. I passed on my intention to protect those I love, so they answered my call." I explain to him. "And I did not disturb their souls, I only asked them for their imprint in my shadows." I continue to say as he looks directly into my eyes. "They continue in their rest, in peace knowing that they will be able to protect someone," I fear.

For my call to work, I have to convey my intention to their souls, and if they allow it, the imprint is made.

The Morlocks died with regrets of not being able to protect themselves, so they accepted my call. To finally find peace.

I see him on his way to a Charger, I won't deny that I am jealous. I remember that he wants to protect his brother, so I yell "Roberto, do you want me to leave one of the shadows to protect your brother?"

He stops, his head stops on fire. He turns and looks at me.

"I don't need anything and I don't want anything from you, I want you to keep doing your good work" I tell him as I smile.

He just nods, when one of the shadows comes out of mine and goes into his. "Just give your brother a hug and tell him you love him. The shadow will know that he is to be protected." I nod as I walk to my car.

He looks at me, looks at the car, looks at his car, laughs, and moves on.

I return home in a good mood, switch shadows, I get shadows number 1 through 9 and the Morlocks start protecting the Prince family, and the Parker family. I keep number 10 as the guardian of the building and head of the shadow Morloks.

I ask number 1 if they can lift shadows too, and get the answer that they can lift up to 100 each, as long as they are not too strong.

I then ask if they are ordinary people, and he tells me that a thousand is possible. So I tell the 10 swordsmen to go and get their soldiers.

Not long after, I have 10000 soldiers as strong as Captain America. A Machiavellian idea pops into my mind.

"Number 1, take the 9900 soldiers to Shield, and have them find every single Hydras in the world. Give those phones to 4 individuals, Nick Fury, Phil Coulson, Natasha Romanov, and Clint Barton. I want 4 Morlocks protecting Clint's family and the last one to go protect Vic."

Now that I will be able to save many innocents from that strange project, I just enjoy life a little with my new big family.

After a week of enjoying my family and friends, having solved the Prince's documentation problems, where the children would study and which school, I go back to my work routine.

On a Monday I arrive at work when my secretary Maria tells me that I have a meeting about possible associates.

She takes me to the office and there I find a tall, blond, well-dressed and somewhat nervous man. The guy next to him is more comfortable, his clothes not quite as neat and tidy, with an unshaven beard, but last but not least, blind.

"Good morning gentlemen, I hope I haven't kept you waiting too long," I enter the room and sit down on the front couch. "I am Emeric Nox, and I hear you want to join me." I say as Maria brings us a cup of coffee.

"Good morning Mr. Nox, I am Franklin Nelson, but my friends call me Foggy and this next to me is my friend and business partner Matthew Murdock. We would like to know how we could partner with your company." He asks as he pours himself a cup of coffee.

"Well, before we get started, I really hate the business of mister back and forth. I like to work in a more friendly, family environment if you will. Sugar Matthew?" I ask somewhat absently.

"No sir," he answers me automatically.

"That's what I'm talking about, see how formal that was Foggy? I prefer you call me Nox, or Emeric or Ric, as some call me." I say as I put the coffee cup in Matt's hand.

Just then, Jess walks in, looks at us drinking coffee, "Have you started the meeting without me Ric? We are partners you can't do that." she tells me making a frown and sitting down next to me on the couch.

"See, that's what I'm talking about, you guys understand me now right?" Foggy is looking at the scene with an amused expression as Matt laughs shamelessly.

"So, Jess here is finishing college, and will be joining the research firm as a partner, what do you have to offer us besides being young?" I ask them already knowing the answer.

"We would like to associate with you because of the work you do. You investigate anyone, whether they have power or not, whether they can pay or not, and what Foggy and I wanted to do was provide advocacy services to those who can't pay. That's why we would like to join you.

"I agree with you Matt, I see that you guys have your hearts in the right place. I'm not always here in the office, but Jess can find me easily, and soon you will too." I stop and take a sip of my coffee.

"I pay the bills here with money from Stark Industries which I own a percentage of. So you're free to take any case. I'll also give you a nice salary if you want to help out at the help group they have here in Queens." I stop and sip the end of my coffee.

"I was going to change the name of the firm to Alias Investigations, as soon as Jess here graduates, but if you want to join, we can already file the paperwork to change it to Alias Investigations and Advocacy." I put the cup on the table. "What do you say?"

"We accept" the three of them said together.

"Great, now Foggy and Matt can prepare the paperwork and Jess prepares the move to a three story building on 5th avenue and 79th street."

'The owner of that building is a loudmouth owner who will sell it to me cheap I'm sure.'