ch. 5 - Russian Mafia and Iron Monger

I ask two shadows in the building to keep an eye on Matt and Foggy, while I solve the problem in the building.

It was pretty simple, I found the guy, threatened him, tortured him a little, he signed the papers and then I killed him. I went to the building to see what needed to be done and all I had to do was kick out some junkies and clean the place up. The junkies I kicked out, the cleanup is up to Jess, along with the move.

Of course she has the authority to use the money from the Alias account. They all do. And we all know who spent it on what.

I informed them not to spend more than $5,000.00 a month on their personal bills, that was their salary.

Three days later and with things in progress, a problem arises.

I was in my apartment, enjoying my lovely life and my beloved nephews, yes now I have 3 nephews, when a shadow informs me that Matt is at the docks, rescuing kidnapped women.

I go to May, warn her that I need to leave urgently, so she can keep an eye on the children, I leave the apartment, go to the roof, tap my finger in the air and whisper "Throat" and a black crack opens in the air, and as soon as I enter it disappears.

I appear on the other side, on the docks, I see and hear a gunfight. I put on my mask, my clothes change, and my scythe appears.

As I pass by and see guns in hand, I cut off arms and legs, trying not to kill anyone on the spot. I approach Matt.

"I hope you don't miss tomorrow, partner," I tell him, still wearing the mask. Good part, he is blind, so for him it is just me there, although he can feel the difference.

"Don't worry, I'll be on time, since you saved me so much time." he answers me while knocking out some one.

"On the days when there is a trial, don't do that, let me take care of things for you ok?" I say hoping for a good answer.

"Fine, but I want you to promise me." he replies.

"I promise. Now go home and get some rest. You have a move to make tomorrow." I joke with him and go home.

I know shortly after that he is home because my shadow tipped me off, just as the police discovered a group of drug dealers, injured on the docks, and a group of women trapped in a container.

The next day, when I arrive at the office, I hand a cell phone to Matt and Foggy, with my number already saved in the contacts, I have theirs. I tell Matt not to lose or forget his cell phone, since to make calls he just needs to say so. If he wants to send messages the same thing.

Today was the day of the annual charity ball, which I called everyone to go to, but no one wanted to go. It's not the first one I've had to go, according to my memories, and both Peter and May hated it.

The little Prince children, when they heard what it was like, vehemently refused. My children are very united.

So the punishment fell to me. I put on a nice suit with the same colors as always. The children say that I have the wardrobe of a cartoon, everything the same, from model to color.

I got my car and went to the dance. As soon as I get out of the car at the door, a shower of flashes almost makes me blind, and if it wasn't for Vic coming to my rescue, I really would have been.

"Long time not seeing Ric, how have you been?" she asks me with a smile.

"Happy with the family and upset with my friend Vic," I reply with a straight face. "You would rather take care of a 40 year old baby than your friend. That disappoints me too much." I finish without blinking.

"Sorry Ric, but a lot has been going on, and now that I have an assistant, I can rearrange my schedule and pay you a visit. What do you think?" she asks me trying to fix things.

"Rum" I snort with a feigned anger.

"Oh Ric, I'm really sorry, I promise to arrange a way to spend a weekend with you." she tells me annoyed with herself. "How about next weekend?"

"Am I coming or are you coming?"

"I'll go Ric. I promise." See, I'm not trying to steal Pepper away from Tony, I just want to spend some time with a friend. As we walk around the place I do the standard procedure, smile and wave.

A short while later a young heart killing redhead approaches Vic. "Ma'am, it looks like Tony decided to come to the party" she informs.

I stare at Vic, who is looking for Tony. "Did your baby boyfriend come Vic? Is that why you are so agitated?" I speak laughing and making fun of her.

"Stop Ric, I'm done saying we're not dating, and stop calling him a baby." she scolds me with a frown.

"If he acts like a baby I have to call him that, it's the right thing to do." I empty my cup. "You as a good babysitter should go take care of him, or something bad might happen." I walk off leaving her standing there, unresponsive.

"Sorry ma'am, but what was that?"

"Don't worry Natalie, he's mad at me because it's been a while since I've spent time with him. We've always been good friends, but work takes up a lot of my time.

Tony arrives and I leave, get in my car without even looking at his face and go home.

Then on Saturday, what I predicted happens, she doesn't show up. I get word from the shadows that a giant robot is fighting a small robot.

I go to the roof, whisper "Throat" I cross, appear on the other side in my Vasto Lord form, I pierce the iron monk with my scythe, hurl him into the sky and fire a cero, turning him into literally nothing but dust.

I open a new "Throat" and head home.

I sit on the couch, watching a movie when "Breaking news, two robots fight causing disaster and a demon appears and destroys one of them out of nowhere, more information in the evening paper.

The doorbell rings, I answer the door and there is Vic.

She excuses herself explaining what happened, so I just ask if she is okay or hurt, which she denies. Then she comes in and spends Saturday night with me.