chap. 6 - Emerald Giant

It has been some time since Obadiah's death, which made me very happy, I was able to buy 5% of the shares for Peter, 5% for Maria, and acquired another 10%. The rest was bought by Tony himself.

Maria and May now no longer have to work, or would not have to, if a sense of gratitude was not impregnated in them, and they now want to work for me for free.

I have called my parents, of course they each have a shadow looking after them, but it is always good to talk to the old man. They are living well, they miss me, but they don't want to leave London.

With the money I was getting from Stark Industries, I bought a nice piece of land in East Harlem, the two blocks from 118th Street, which runs into the Harlem River.

On one side of the street is a community garden, which will be where I plan to put varieties of plants to study and develop new medicines, and on the other side of the street, the Company of Tomorrow is already under construction, which will manufacture new products, from electronics to pharmaceuticals.

I have already put Alias Law to solve the legal problems, Maria will be the secretary as usual, and as soon as possible I will go after young geniuses for research and development.

Some time later, some of my shadow guards inform me that a monster attack is happening.

Once again I go to the roof, open a crack, and appear in place.

I see something grotesque of ugly at the beginning of its joy in destroying, so I ask my shadow soldiers to remove all the civilians from there, except the drug dealers, rapists, and murderers. They can turn around.

I see a helicopter arrive, flying low over the place, some people on board, but so far nothing that draws my attention.

The army arrives, not caring if there are innocent people nearby or not, they unload their ammunition on the hideous creature, throw grenades and whatever else they have.

They even brought a fucking tank. The creature didn't think twice about playing lego with them, disassembling cars, tanks, people, guns, whatever came, it destroyed.

Until I saw something that would have surprised me if I didn't know, something jumped out of the helicopter and fell like shit on the ground, a few seconds later a green giant appeared in its place.

They punch each other, kick each other, throw cars, pieces of tanks at each other, hit each other, bite each other, I feel like I am watching two 6 year olds fighting.

Tired of this tomfoolery, I put one of my shadows on the Hulk, catch the abomination with my scythe, throw it into the sky, and wipe it out of existence with a cero.

Hulk looks at me with a look on his face that he doesn't understand, "Time to go big guy, see you at a next one." From the mouth of the mask comes a guttural, cold, hungry voice that makes even the Hulk take a step back. As General Ross comes down with his helicopter and comes yelling at me.

"You are under arrest for damaging the property of the United States Army," he shouts as the surviving soldiers follow, aiming their weapons at me.

I look at him through my mask, "Then I sentence you to death for all this destruction your property has caused."

And when he hears my voice, he breaks down.

Hulk puts his hand on my shoulder, I look at him and get a negative nod. He jumps off in some direction and I open a crack to go home.

Obviously I recorded everything, including his words, which the other day were on Youtube, newspapers, magazines, TV and radio programs.

It was hell, not only for the general, but also for the president and his group.

BRUCE POV -----------------------

Bruce finds himself in Bella Coola, Canada. He wakes up next to a sign with this information. Beside him, clean folded clothes, a wallet with a few $100 bills, and a cell phone.

As he starts to get up, the phone rings. Without understanding what is going on, he answers it.

"Good morning Bruce, this is Emeric, I'm from Alias Investigation and Advocacy. I'm calling you because yesterday I helped you solve an ugly problem. Luckily it turned to dust. I was wondering if you'd like to come over for coffee at my place and have a little chat."

"Sure, I'd love to. The problem is I'm Bella Coola in Canada, unless you live nearby, I don't see how I'd make it in time for a cup of coffee." I reply with my sarcasm.

"That's no problem Bruce, get dressed and in 5 min I'll show up to come for coffee."

And the call goes off.

I put on the clothes I was given, put away my wallet and cell phone and in the exact 5 minutes later, a black man, dreads attached, black suit and green vest shows up.

After a brief conversation.

'Well if I don't jump, I won't fall' and I go to get a coffee.

NOX POV -----------

I open a crack and see Banner, 'the clothes fit, nice' I thought.

"Good morning Bruce, I'm Emeric Nox, I was on the phone with you earlier." I hold out my hand to him to greet him. Which he reciprocates.

"Good morning Emeric, nice to meet you."

"Ready for some breakfast? But we won't talk about work." I smile as I open a crack signaling him to come through.

He hesitates for a second and steps through the crack. I follow him.

He finds himself in a modest apartment with appliances and many toys scattered about.

"Sorry about the mess, the kids played late last night," I lead him to the table.

We are sitting there when the doorbell rings and the Parkers and the Princes appear for breakfast. This livens up my day.