chap. 7 - Help

After breakfast, Bruce is kidnapped by Peter, who takes over his brain and explains to him about Naruto and stuff.

While they are watching TV, I am gathering the toys scattered around the living room until another three little devils come in the door, making a racket and, in defeat, I let all the toys fall out of my arms and go back to the kitchen.

Bruce, seeing this scene, can't help himself and laughs heartily.

Peter is in charge of introducing Bruce to the other children, and now Marvel's most feared man is helpless in the face of my invincible little devils.

When Bruce was granted parole by the children, they let him go because they needed to go to school.

I took Bruce to an empty apartment upstairs, it had little furniture, just the essentials. The apartment was standard, so with a brief introduction he picked up the layout.

"Bruce, I have some of my people studying a way to separate you from the Hulk, or let you permanently control him. I'm working on two fronts just in case."

He looks at me "I've tried Emeric, nothing works." I see his helplessness.

"No, we haven't tried everything yet, what you have tried is to destroy the Hulk, what I want to do is, either integrate him into you or separate him from you. I will see which option is closer to success and let you know. In the meantime, you have two choices. Live here, or continue your life of escape."

"You know I will be hunted right, if I stay here, all the residents here are in danger, I can't stay." he is crestfallen, thinking about what it would be like to be able to live in a happy place like this. My children are the best I know.

"No Bruce, no one is in danger, not even you, the only person who could harm you, is helping me in the area of separating the Hulk from you, and in the alternative of integrating him if."

FLASHBACK -------------------------

I am at the gates of the NY Sanctum, I didn't even have to knock when the doors open and a bald woman introduces herself, "Welcome to the Sanctum Emeric, I hope you came in peace."

"Don't worry Elder, I have come with a proposition to you as well as a request for help," I enter the Sanctum.

"Let's have some tea then." I escort her into a room.

We sit down, the tea is served, I try it "Great tea, where can I get it?" still drinking the tea.

"It is unique to Kamar-Taj, the herbs that make up this tea are natural there. I can send you some if you like." she smiles watching me enjoy the tea.

"I would like that very much, the composition of the herbs and the temperature of the water are just right, I think I would spoil a lot to be able to get to that level." I really enjoy the tea. It calms me down, not only physically I feel more relaxed, but mentally and spiritually as well.

"Anyway, I would like to tell you that I appreciate your efforts against the dimensional beings, and for that I thank you. Another thing is to tell you that you can get rid of this dark energy you carry for another one. I know it could bring you more power, but it doesn't, it just takes you out of the timeline," I say as I point to his forehead. I drink some more of the tea.

"I would like to ask you to help me separate two beings that are the same person. His case is that a new personality takes over his mind, and due to the energy he sucked in when this personality was created, it is again expelled into the body, causing change."

"With that said, I would like to know if you can help me find a way to fuse or separate them permanently, so that the man has a life. Which also allows me to offer you two options for your dark problem."

"With the blood and energy contained in it, it is possible to transfer some of it to you, which would allow you to live for as long as you wish, and die when you feel you should, although I think you should be the only person who should live for eternity."

"The second option, is for me to destroy the ruling entity of the dark dimension, put in a new ruler, and no longer interfere in this one."

"What do you say?"

END OF FLASHBACK ----------------------------

"Bruce, the opportunity to have a life again is here. it's just up to you. Think about it, and if you want to stay, show up for dinner, if not, show up anyway, have dinner with us, say goodbye to the kids, and I'll take you wherever you want to go." I tap him on the shoulder and leave the apartment.

Sitting in my apartment, I start to wonder what kind of life I really want, you see.

I'm kind of feeling like Saitama himself, the only challenges I might have, would be the celestials, but they are somewhere in the vast universe doing their thing. So I have no worries about them.

And while I'm thinking about life, I feel a disturbance in the force. Joking aside, I feel a gigantic hot energy being thrown from one side to the other.

I open a throat and appearing above where the energy is, I see a redheaded girl, destroying a blonde woman.

I approach the girl, studying her well, she looks at me with curious eyes, since her power can't hurt me.

"Who are you? Another one who has come to try to steal my power?" her words are full of anger.

"Girl, I do not want and cannot have your power. You are known as the Phoenix, the flame of rebirth and love, my powers are the complete opposite of yours." I approach her calmly, "Why the unleashed fury?"

"They try to suppress me, steal from me, control me, I've had enough of all that." she tries once again to hit me with her energy, but nothing happens.

"I understand, from what little I know, your old teacher sealed your power so you could control it right? But he never taught you how." I make a helpless face at her. "Sometimes we think we're in control, when we're just stretching the rope too far."

"And you're not like him? Don't you want to suppress me too?" she makes a genuine doubtful face.

"And why would I do that? Do you want to destroy the world? Do you want to go around killing left and right? Or do you just want to live quietly like everyone else?" I hug her. "Don't worry girl, there are people as strong as you in this world who live life quietly.

I feel all that energy drain away into nothingness, and she cries, as she hugs me back.

We stay like this for a good five minutes, when I notice her calming down. I undo the hug, put my hand in her hair, securing it with a spare elastic I always carry, wipe away her tears, "Would you like to have dinner with me and my ever growing family?" I say smiling at her.

In the meantime, a bald man in a wheelchair, a hairy man smoking a cigar, a red-haired boy with glasses, and a beautiful brunette with white hair approach.

"Jean, let's go home" the bald man approaches.

He sees me and his hand goes to his temple. "I wouldn't try that Charles, it could hurt you" I warn him before he tries it.

But as the saying goes, you can't teach arrogant old monkeys new tricks.

As soon as he tries to enter my mind, his nose, eyes, ears and mouth start to bleed.

"What have you done to the teacher?" and before anyone can say anything, the boy lets out a blast through his eyes.

I just stop the gust with my hand, "He tries to invade my mind, seconds after my warning. Where did I do something boy?" I try to reason with the hot boy.

The boy doesn't listen, and launches another blast. Again I hold up my hand and look at Jean.

"If I kill the insolent one, would you be mad at me?" I look at her seriously.

"Not a bit. He never treated me like people, only like possession." indifference blares in her words.

The guy with the cigar approaches the boy and hits him in the neck, making him fall unconscious.

"He won't learn, your fault Charles. I told you to stop treating the boy like a little prince."

"That being the case, we say goodbye" I say as I hug Jean, and start to take off. Unfortunately she could not pass through my throat, her energy would cancel mine.

I stop the flight a few feet away from them, "You white haired, chosen of Gaia, go to the NY Sanctum, there you can find information about your dynasty. And you, I recommend you go too, someone there can undo the bindings that are in your brain. Tell them that Nox sent them." And I fly back towards my home.

Jean can also fly, but she is not used to it yet and lacks control, so I take her.

When we arrive at the building, Maria and May are serving dinner to the children, Bruce is sitting at the table with them, and we come in and sit down. We have dinner and then go to watch a cartoon.