Young master's preparation complete

In a dark cave that is breached.

"Who are you? And why did you enter forcefully and noticed this place? " Said a soothing female voice.

Nie Zili is not surprised. After all, she is experienced, and to her, a low-level concealment technique is nothing. But then her serious look turned to shock when she saw the almost disfigured individual full of blood and injury and was polite.

"I'm sorry for being impolite. My subordinate is affected by some sort of aphrodisiac and was following me. This is the only place I know where we could do the deed."

She looks ashamed, but now is not the time to complain.

'Li Ren? One of the most talented individuals is like Si Roru and Shi Haomei. Her injuries are so severe and if I'm not mistaken, she only has ten hours to live. She is a good person. I cannot just let her die.'

"Aphrodisiac? Doing the deed? But the two of you are, ladies? You two are going to do it?"

Replied Li Ren. She knew her state of condition and didn't care if she could live. Her journey was a failure. She is a failure to her young master because she is here to capture Nie Zili but she ended up meeting the Teng Family.

Fortunately, she escaped because of the three individual subordinates of her young master, but the two of them ended up dying while the last one was in unknown condition.

"Yes, it was inappropriate for us to enter, but don't worry. I will fix it and make sure that we won't disturb you. I noticed you needed help. Would you like me to look at it?"

Nie Zili tossed a pill, which is caught by Li Ren with a surprised look.

"There, take that first to stop the bleeding. You are affected by some sort of forest plant attack that will make you bleed nonstop. This might help a little and make you live."

Li Ren had a look of hope in her. 'I thought I was going to die. I hope this works.'

She didn't care anymore or whatever is in this world. Earlier, when they entered her heart skipped a beat. She didn't want her body to be soiled before she died by the Teng Family people. This is her only wish and perish peacefully inside this cave.

Desperate, Li Ren opened her mouth and put the pill in her mouth. This is her last resort. She wouldn't mind trying everything, despite the person who gave it to her being a total stranger.

"Thank you. What's your name?"

Li Ren looked at the girl in front of her and asked. She will forever remember the one who saved her in this life. That's why she asked.

'My body is healing and the writhing pain I am experiencing earlier disappeared in an instant. The bleeding seems to stop too and I feel comfortable.'

"My name is Shi Zili. You don't have to worry about it. I am impolite earlier by breaking your concealment technique. By the way, why are you injured all this time?"

Lied by Nie Zili. She didn't want anyone to disclose her real identity, that's the reason. She also didn't trust Li Ren fully,

'In my last life, she probably dies because of the future bug beast tide. Also, the reason I didn't see her in the sect. But I know she has some sort of relationship with Si Roru, for Si Roru was devastated in her life when she mutters Li Ren's name. I saved her, I'm glad.'

"Thank you Shi Zili. I am currently on a mission and was ambushed by Teng Family. Two of us died, the last one is unknown condition outside and has a high chance of being dead too. I am here hiding."

Li Ren didn't know that the person in front of her was her target by her young master Lin.

"Thank you for saving, I promise I will help you out too in the future."

'Family of Shi. This beautiful girl that saved me is a genius of her clan or a hidden expert. Her cultivation is a little low but her formation talent was so precise and high. I am sure that she is an important cousin of Shi Haomei.'

Li Ren thought of wonder on how to help her benefactor. Then her eyes suddenly widen for she remembered something.

"You said something about aphrodisiac, right?" Li Ren asked.

Nie Zili was a little surprised and shocked, but she still nodded.

Li Ren suddenly conjured something. It is some sort of needle treasure.

"Use this needle to erase the aphrodisiac. It is used to avoid controlling and seducing spells."

She said she is always because she knew that the Teng Family's young master lusted after her so much. She didn't want to get controlled. That's why she searches for this treasure day and night until she found it.

Nie Zili happily received the needle treasure. She knows this treasure and thought, 'I never knew that I would find this kind of treasure here. I hope this works.

"By the way, where is your companion?" Li Ren asked.

Nie Zili snapped back to reality because of that question. 'Nie Ren was taking too long but eh' She found something amiss but was too late when...

"Ah, I love watching, brother."

Nie Ren's voice resounded at the back of Nie Zili's neck and ear. Nie Ren grabbed Zili to avoid it from resisting from her grips.

"This time you won't get away brother." Nie Ren said with flaring lust.

Nie Zili was a little panicked,

"Wait, Nie Ren."

She said as she acted like she wasn't planning something. Slowly, without Nie Ren in her Symbiotic Bloodline cultivation form, a needle was pierced through her strong and thick furry akin.

"Finally, I just need to wait a little later." And then Nie Zili's face changed when she noticed something.

'Her skin is so thick it didn't work! No! The aphrodisiac is affecting me!! I, Nie Zili needed help here!' she thought as she tries to speak inside her head.

'Just enjoy the love between ladies. It's natural and accepts it. As long as it is not a man, I'm fine with it.' A voice of a lady replied, disappointing Nie Zili. Making her lose her hope of getting out of this situation.

"Brother, don't resist."

Nie Zili didn't care anymore when the lusty and beautiful Nie Ren said that she's a boy. Her instinct kicked in and was affected by an aphrodisiac, too.

On the side, Li Ren was watching it all, she can see the red miasma and knew that it was dangerous.

'I need to stop them both,' she thought as in her hands, six needles sprouted between her fist fingers. These are her spare anti control needle,

'If one doesn't work. I will put use a lot of these things to work.' Determined, Li Ren dashes to the half-human and half-under-water wolf beast, and with a quick sprint, she instantly appeared beside the half-human half-beast lady.

Nie Zili and Nie Ren seem like they did not notice Li Ren as she pierced the two with the needles,

'I never thought it would be easy. The effect of aphrodisiac seems too strong for them not to notice me, as long as I avoid it. It's going to be fine.'

Li Ren thought, and when she was about to leave, her chin was grabbed by something.

"And who is this little, beautiful lady?"

Said by the underwater wolf girl. Her eyes were terrifying and her aura was flaring up.

"No, don't hurt her. Let her go. She's my friend," replied Nie Zili who was still a little resistant to the aphrodisiac for some unknown reason. But Li Ren on the side knows...

'It's now taking effect. I'm glad she saved my life, so I need to help her out a little. Now there's only one thing to confirm that it's effective. That is...'

Li Ren is not finished speaking when the two suddenly flop down to the ground. Dropping her from the hands of the beast.

"Phew... Finally, all my energy is consumed. I hope that the Teng Clan wouldn't notice this cave, or the three of us would be in a dire situation."


'I finally learned the Empower ability of this earthshaker now that I am evolved five times. Even in history, there's no one in this world have evolved five times in just the Qi Pollination stage.

'This young master is pleased with his progress. Fortunately, they came or I would have to find beast meats. The limit is five evolution, but I'm very pleased.'

Thought by Young master Lin.

"Young Master, you need to come back as per orders of his excellency Lin Gu. The Teng Family is in this place and right now, he said it is not the right moment to clash with them for something happened to your mother."

The Pollination Establishment person said together with about nineteen more Pollination Establishment experts. They are the backup of the Lin Family in case the one protecting young master Lin or the young master himself was killed and they will sense it.

"What mothered?" Young master Lin asked seriously.

The Pollination establishment expert bowed and replied,

"Madam has her cultivation declining because of some brat who interrupted her. Now, they were searching for them and plans to kill them all."

Young master Lin's mother is just a normal cultivator, not a symbiotic cultivator nor a bloodline symbiotic cultivator. However, her son, him, the young master, Lin was Lin Gu's last hope of obtaining higher rank status in the sect. So his father cared for her and her son a lot.

"I see. Then I will accept my father's arrangement."

He didn't know the reason, but he knew he must follow his father's plan for now.

The Pollination Establishment experts nodded and when they were about to leave, a call made them stop at their tracks.