Young master's bloodlust

"All you're saying to this young master is true?"

Young master Lin asked with disbelief to his servant. Bo Zu eventually died and the other past Pollination expert that he, the young master revived. Only the undead Lin Pang managed to getaway.

"Yes, young master, the Teng Family handles it. They obstructed our path and there's a lot of them, with the cultivation of Mid cultivation establishments.

"Li Ren and I escaped as Bo Zu sacrifices his life by using a destined Bond ability that he learned from your coffin treasure young master. He brought to his death the other Pollination establishment experts from Teng Family.

"Young master, please let's escape this place. I heard they will raid this place next and they are coming! I only made them hallucinate and go-goo another direction, but they might find this place because of my tracks."

Begged by Lin Pang, he knew he was now a creature but to him; he is still alive and breathing. He knew his young master won't be able to resist the attacks of this Pollination establishment experts from the Teng Family.

Young master Lin ignored all the begging and asked,

"What about Li Ren? Where is she?"

Lin Pang was a little shocked by the question, 'In the past, their young master usually ignores any girls after taking them but now, what is this?' he thought because this surprised him. But he still opened his mouth and answers,

"Young master Lin, I'm not sure. Her injuries are so severe. There's a chance that she's already dead."

Lin Pang confessed without lying.

'I knew that even if she's dead, she would be revived by you young master. There's a chance that Lin Hal and Bo Zu could also be revived. That's why I came back to tell you, young master, this news.

'However, keeping you alive is my priority. I hope we leave as soon as possible. They are coming.'

He said those words in his mind. His next job is still to find Nie Zili, but the coffin rule and condition was to protect the user or young master first.

However, young master Lin's expression was a little different.

'What do you mean? Bo Zu and Lin Hal perished? Is it because I sent them to attack the child of destiny or the main character of this world? He is the main character of this world? I'm just a person in a story? I'm fictional?'

''How many experts are there in Teng Family?"

Young master asked with a little confused expression.

Lin Pang who was bowing looked at him and answers,

"About forty more experts, young master." Then Lin Pang bowed again, looking down.

Young Master's eyes widened a little, thinking about it.

'Forty more experts? Teng Family is dedicated to destroying this place? Telling me to go back and leave this place became a dying town?

'I am a young master and I wouldn't bat an eye if It was me in the past. However, I read a lot of novels, I learned a lot of things and now things happen so fast, my mother is injured and had her cultivation declining, the subordinates that I sent to give the main character trouble were obstructed by the Teng Family.

'Could it be that fate is forcing me to leave this place? Did that happen just because I sent my subordinates after him and this-called fate is giving me misfortune? All against my plane? Is it?'

Young master Lin was frozen on the spot, but the experts of his Lin Family did not intend to disturb him on his decision. Young master should leave by now, but now he's not. This is the first time it happens and they are looking forward to what he's going to do.

'Wait, could it be that because I am supposed to be a low-level young master, I should be eliminated by fate? This Teng Family was the next Family is going to trouble the main character?

'Nie Zili already made a move on me and bring me destruction that I do not know about or I did not do my part as a young master in the story, so fate is doing its job to eliminate me?'

Young master's eyes scanned the whole area, thinking about this town.

'All of them will die and Li Ren too should be dead right now. I did not love and I only like her a little, but I made a promise. She's my responsibility. However, fate is against me. Can I save her or find her corpse at least?

'Am I a young master in a cultivation story? If I am really a young master and fate is slowly going against me, then it means my job is done. The fate will just kill me and anytime, I will perish without my permission and I can't do anything about it.'

Confused, young master Lin grips his head, looking down to the ground that concerned the surrounding individuals.

"Young master!"

"What happened, young master?!"

"Are you alright young master?"

Said the experts of his Lin Family. However, young master Lin didn't seem to hear them, and he's thinking...

'No! I promised myself that I will not let it! If I am the lowest young master of this story, I refused! If I'm going to die, I need to look at the main character of this world! In the eyes, If I ever perished, I need my eyes looking straight at that person who is supposed to kill me!

'And the only way for me to experience that is to make sure...

'Make sure...

'Make sure that all the young masters that are higher than me...

'Should be...

'Should be...'

Young Master Lin's aura flared up. It was a pure or a normal aura! However, the intensity was so huge that it even overwhelms the experts of his Lin Family.

"Natural energy? It shouldn't be!?" The expert with the highest cultivation in the peak of Pollination Establishment stage said. He is even overwhelmed,

"This Intensity!?"

He said in disbelief. The intensity of a symbiotic cultivator in a stage of fifth evolution!

"But the young master is only in Qi Pollination stage. How is this possible!?"

The man asked with curiosity and horror, for he feared this unknown happening to their young master.

When the other experts heard that, shock filled their faces. And their expression on has one thing written on them, the confusion.

Lin Pang on the side is not even surprised by their reactions. The first time they saw it, he had the same reaction, and it's a sight to behold. It's a mystery that can't be described.

"Lin Pang! What's going on with the young master? What's happening to him!?"

Asked by the person with the h highest cultivation, they somehow found that Lin Pang is changed. He is now respectful to the young master so much, and even to their master Lin Gu, he isn't like this. But now, he is speaking like a complete loyal servant, no! A completely loyal dog!

Lin Pang didn't even look at him. He can sense that his blood is boiling, and probably because he can sense his young master's situation.

A burst of bloodlust and an unmeasurable desire to kill! For the first time, he didn't know where it was directed to, but it's so intense that it's affecting his entire being. He opened his mouth when he noticed they were waiting for him to speak and said,

"Young master didn't need to transform into a symbiotic cultivation form. He is mysterious and an anomaly, but I wouldn't call it an anomaly. Young master...

"He is...

"A miracle!"

The man with the highest cultivation eyes widened. He can feel the tone of Lin Pang. He sounded so proud that the young master is like this.

"What? He didn't need to transform into a symbiotic form?! Does it mean that his physique-?"

He is not finished when Lin Pang agreed and says,

"Yes, he didn't need to transform to have a strong physique like other Symbiotic cultivators. He is strong enough with his human body and he can release natural energy aura at will!"

The man with the highest cultivation was shocked by the information. The surrounding experts also whispered and were confused about what he was saying.

'Young master's aura is only one, but the intensity is also at five evolution completed? Did master Lin Gu accomplish such a feat to his son? Is this the reason he is overprotected to his youngest son?'

The man with the highest cultivation turned his attention to Lin Pang and observers.

'This is a miracle! No wonder Lin Pang is so respectful to the young master. He is the same. His cultivation became lower back to Qi Pollination stage of three, but his aura became darkness and Death.

'However, his body physique is comparable to a symbiotic cultivator with twice completed evolution. He got the benefit from the young master's miracle.'

The man with the highest cultivation spread his arms to the sky, and says with a clear voice,

"Master Lin Gu, the plan you and the treasure you gave to our young master Lin finally took effect."

He didn't know, but he believes that their Master Lin Gu was the one responsible for everything that is happening to his son. And he Achieved it!

Suddenly, the aura that is spreading around disappears. Young master Lin finally calmed down. He looked at everyone else and says coldly,

"I want you all to prepare yourselves."

The experts listened as young master Lin continued and says the most shocking thing they'd ever hear.

"Prepare yourselves. I will eliminate some young master."