Ms. Lawrence, Do You Want to Go to My Place?

Finn dragged Monica back.

His actions were really rude.

Monica resisted a few times, but because she was drunk and could not exert her strength, she was still dragged by Finn. She staggered along the way.

"Can you not drag me?" Monica complained.

'This son of a b*tch.

'Can't he be gentler to me?'

Finn pressed the button on the elevator and held her hand even tighter.

Ten minutes ago, he received a call from Nox, who said that Monica had come home drunk alone and asked him to pick her up... Then, he bumped into her and Michael.

When the elevator arrived, Finn brought Monica into the house and brought her to her room.

Monica struggled to break free from Finn. She did not take off her clothes or shoes and directly laid down. Then, she pretended to be a corpse.

Finn looked at Monica for a long time..