First Day at the Lawrence Enterprise

The next morning, Jeanne had a splitting headache.

She did not remember what she had experienced last night. When she woke up, she was in a complete breakdown.

Jeanne struggled to get up. She rubbed her aching temples and went to the bathroom to wash up.

It was her first day at the Lawrence Enterprise, so she could not be late.

She braced herself and washed up.

Her phone rang.

Jeanne had the habit of keeping her phone by her side at all times. At this moment, she looked at the incoming call on the screen and pressed the speakerphone.

"I heard that you were drunk last night." It was Kingsley.

"Yes." Jeanne nodded.

"You clearly know that your martial prowess is basically zero after drinking, let alone getting yourself drunk." Kingsley was somewhat reprimanding her. "Without me by your side, do you not know how to take care of yourself? What if someone takes the opportunity to violate you?"
