A Night of Plots and Schemes

She slapped her palms on the door until they were swollen, but Finn still did not open the door.

What should she do? Should she give up just like that?

Sarah cried her heart out, feeling upset.

She was wondering if Finn was still keeping his innocence for her cousin. Hence, no matter who it was, even if he was not in his right mind now, he would not have sex with the woman in front of him because he was not sure who she was!

Did that mean Finn was still waiting for her cousin?

The more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable she felt.

She frantically knocked on the door again.

Fortunately, it was a luxurious suite in a five-star hotel. The soundproofing was very good, so it would not disturb the other guests.

Tired of knocking, Sarah squatted down on the ground again and cried hard.

Just then, her phone rang.

Looking at the incoming call, she picked it up with a lump in her throat. "Hello."