A Night of Plots and Schemes

Shelly held it in and did not say anything else while James gave Lizzy a look.

Those two people had been bribed by someone. They did not know who bribed them, but the other party said that as long as they could help Sarah and Finn get together, they would get 100 thousand dollars, with 50 thousand dollars each. The other party even paid each of them 10 thousand dollars in advance.

The two of them came from neither wealthy nor poor families, but they were both vain people.

Sarah came from a rich family and did not lack money, so her clothes were all branded.

On the other hand, Shelly's family did not have money, so her clothes were very plain. However, everyone knew that Shelly was the child bride of the Winters. Sooner or later, she would marry into the Winter family, and Shelly's academic results were especially good.

Just the two of them were neither too rich nor too poor, so under the temptation of money, they fell for it.