087 Women Lacking Men's Nourishment (Third Watch)_3

On the seventh floor, Gem Atkinson's room was on the seventh floor.

Back then, the Andrews brothers had been so solicitous and attentive to Forsythia Brown. She wondered if Forsythia had once again persuaded Fred Andrews, convinced him to soften his heart, and brought her to Gem's room to seduce him, in order to reunite the broken mirror.

So, she came to check. Unexpectedly, she was stopped by two bodyguards. She pulled out her identity as Gem's future aunt and claimed that Gem needed to change into a new set of formal clothes, and she was here to get them. The guards let her through.

Who would have thought, Forsythia was actually here.

And even her evening dress...

It must be said, the usually self-proclaimed beauty of Coral Ruby was also feeling jealous.

"Forsythia, how can you be so shameless, running into my brother-in-law's room?"