087 Women Lacking Men's Nourishment (Third Watch)_4

"Ah, finally you speak a human language! It's your brother-in-law who doesn't let me go, not me pestering your brother-in-law shamelessly, as you say."

Forsythia Brown took advantage of Coral Ruby's confusion, and Coral Ruby raised her hand to slap Forsythia.

Forsythia was alert from getting splashed with water earlier, and she sidestepped Coral Ruby's attack gracefully.

Missing her target, Coral Ruby stumbled and hit the table due to the excessive force she applied.

Subsequently, various bottles and jars on the table toppled, and Coral Ruby clutched her stomach as it throbbed in pain from colliding with the edge of the table.

"Hey, Miss Coral Ruby, are you okay?" Although they were in a quarrel, Forsythia expressed her concern.

Coral Ruby glared at Forsythia and accused, "Forsythia, you want to murder me! I'm going to tell my brother-in-law!"

Seeing Coral Ruby wincing in pain, Forsythia snorted and shrugged, "Murder? I don't understand."