Pirates with Taste

Fu Xi cursed herself in her heart.

If the pirates were to pester them now, they might not be able to leave successfully.

Seeing that person approaching, Gong Hao suddenly tugged at her clothes and pointed to the room behind him.

The door was not locked, and the lights were not switched on inside. It was pitch-black, suitable for hiding.

At the very least, they had to dodge these pirates first.

Fu Xi nodded and slowed down with Gong Hao. Before the pirates could discover them, she shrank behind the door.

"Eh, that's strange." The pirate dizzily gulped down his wine and spat on the ground. "I clearly heard something moving. Why isn't anyone here?"

"Come back quickly." The other pirates called out to him loudly and scolded him with a smile. "When Boss comes later, will he still let you go if you spoil his plans?"

"Come on, Boss doesn't like me."