This Spring Palace Isn't Free

The room instantly became much brighter. Under the flickering candlelight, Fu Xi could easily see the appearance of the youth tied to the end of the bed.

He seemed to be only 17 or 18 years old. His face was pale, his hair was wet, and his clothes were tattered. There were blood stains on his arms and chest, as if he had just undergone a fierce battle.

Fu Xi sighed in her heart. If she didn't guess wrongly, this youth was probably captured in a fight.

If they had met on a normal day, she might have saved him. Since she and Gong Hao couldn't guarantee their own safety, they could only watch helplessly.

"Creak." She heard the creaking of the bed outside, interrupting her thoughts.

Through the gap, she saw that the pirate leader was pulling the youth onto the bed.

"Kid, wake up."

The pirate leader spat a mouthful of red wine on the youth's face.