The Power of the King of the Sea

The group walked towards the pirate ship. Fu Xi carefully supported Gong Hao, afraid that the wound in his abdomen would rupture and bleed. From time to time, she would look coldly at the pirate leader.'

If it wasn't for his shot, Gong Hao wouldn't have suffered like this.

Her eyes were cold. The pirate leader smiled carefully, his forehead covered in cold sweat.

He did not know that this was the King of the Sea!

At this moment, Gong Hao exclaimed softly.

"Xi'er, look there." He pointed at a ball of brown and gray fur behind the left reef with a deep gaze.

Fu Xi looked over and her heart rate increased.

It was Little Bear!

She quickly ran over and hugged it. Little Bear was also very happy to see her. It kept licking the back of her hand with his tongue and humming softly. It looked like a child who had been wronged.

"Why are you here?"