Fu Xi Was Taken Away

The two of them spent three days on the pirate ship with Little Bear.

The wound on Gong Hao's abdomen finally scabbed over. As long as he didn't soak in water for a while he would be fine. On the other hand, the wound on Little Bear's hind leg was festering and recovering very slowly.

This morning, Gong Hao went to discuss the route to leave with the pirate leader. Fu Xi was alone in the cabin with Little Bear.

She wanted to clean and apply medicine to Little Bear's wound. After squeezing out the rotten flesh and pus, she casually grabbed and was instantly helpless.

There was no more medication left.

"Be good, wait for me here. I'll get your medication." She instructed and was about to leave the cabin when she saw a tall pirate walk over.

"Honorable Sea Queen, this is the medication that Little Bear needs."

He handed her a box of medication.