Explain in Hell

It was Gong Hao.

He was still holding a two-barreled hunting rifle. It was the one the pirate leader had used to pursue them.

Seeing Fu Xi walk over, Gong Hao didn't let down his guard. He pointed the gun at the man with a cold gaze.

"Did Third Brother send you here?"

The Third Brother he was referring to was Gong Cheng.

"Yes." Seeing that the situation was not right, the man endured the intense pain and trembled as he begged for mercy. "Master, please spare me. I'll tell you everything I know."

"There's no need." Gong Hao smiled coldly, the evilness in his eyes deepening. "You'd better explain to the King of Hell."

He quickly pulled the trigger again.

Another gunshot.

Blood gushed out of the man's forehead as he fell heavily to the ground with his eyes still wide open.