Your Family’s debt

Knowing that Fu Xi was in a hurry to go home, Gong Hao sped up.

Fu Xi used all her strength and screamed.

The two of them did not have time to rest after the climax. They hurriedly packed up, got dressed, and drove back to the Fu residence.

Mother Fu was explaining the dishes to the kitchen when she saw the two of them rushing back. She was a little surprised.

"Did you leave something behind?"

"No, Mother. Where are my grandfather and father?"

Fu Xi asked. Mother Fu pointed to the second floor. She didn't explain anything and only got someone to invite Old Master Fu and Fu Cheng down.

They all looked at her, puzzled.

"Xi'er, what exactly do you want? Tell us to come down."

Since Old Master Fu had spoken, Fu Xi no longer hid anything and took out her phone.

"Ask Wang Ling to come over."

Wang Ling was quickly pulled over by Xiaotao.