Only Wear it for Me

As Old Master Fu got the servants to drag Wang Ling out, he tapped his walking stick and looked at Fu Cheng coldly.

"What are you waiting for? Send her to the hospital."

Fu Cheng came back to his senses and agreed. He sent Mother Fu over with Gong Hao and Fu Xi.

The diagnosis came back quickly.

"Madam has a mid-stage brain tumor. Our hospital is not confident of surgery. Only Mr. Peter can operate."

Hearing the doctor's words, Fu Cheng covered his forehead, his face filled with despair.

"Mr. Peter is a world-famous brain specialist. How can we get to him so easily?"

It was rumored that a certain country's leader wanted to ask him for surgery, but he refused. Could the Fu family invite him?

Fu Xi was also depressed. Just as she was about to think of a solution, Gong Hao spoke.

"The Peter you spoke about is me."

There was an uproar.

Fu Xi still felt a little dizzy when Gong Hao entered the operating theater.