Expulsion of Students

The next morning, in one of the laboratory building's classrooms...

Students yawned as they entered the lecture theatre. A few more observant students noticed a mannequin-like object slumped over a desk in the corner.

Curious, they approached the hunched figure, attempting to discern what it was in the dimly lit room. A quick-eyed female student screamed in alarm, hastily covering her eyes, "It's moving!" Her frantic cry caused a commotion. Even students of the Department of Chinese Medicine, a study of sciences, were superstitious, wary of ghosts and gods.

The students picked up whatever they could find. Brooms, books, chairs and bins were raised to defend themselves.

Qu Xiao had dark circles under her eyes, and her long hair draped over her shoulders in a mess of knots. She got up slowly, using her hands to part the curtain of hair covering her face.

"... What are you all doing here?"