Prescriptions for Treatment

Qu Xiao was pleasantly surprised. She excitedly hugged Lei Qiming, seeing hope for Shang Yan to stand on his two feet again.

Lei Qiming pushed her away, feeling more than a little awkward. He patted his wrinkled Chinese tunic suit with a small frown.

He handed the leatherbound notebook to Qu Xiao and said, "These are some of the ancient prescriptions I have researched and restored. They might be able to help you."

Qu Xiao quickly accepted the notebook, flipping through its contents seriously.

Lei Qiming's love for Chinese medicine was close to an obsession. Qu Xiao discovered many ancient prescriptions, once thought to be lost, restored with comprehensive notes detailing the process and results of the restoration. Those results were not published and remained inaccessible to the general public, being of far greater worth than all the information she had gathered from her time in the Medical Hall.