Chapter 3

Reiz rolled his eyes, he was really lazy to deal with women.

"Up to you." Reiz chose to leave the room instead of continuing to talk to Rin. Reiz headed to his room. He felt very tired.

This afternoon he just came back from out of town after finishing taking care of his company's branch problems, then in the afternoon until evening there was a meeting at the hotel, plus his meeting with Rin. Truly a very tiring day.

Reiz lay down on the bed after completing the body cleansing ritual. Now he was very ready to rest. He had just closed his eyes when his phone suddenly rang. Reiz chuckled, who else was bothering him in the middle of the night. And why did he forget to turn off his cell phone?

Reaching for the cell phone on the nightstand, Reiz took a deep breath when he realized who was calling in the middle of the night like this. Who else if not the boss, a very annoying person who he considered like his own brother and vice versa.

"So who's that girl?" Tom asked as soon as the call connected, making Reiz massage his forehead. I don't know why his boss always knows anything about him.

"Master called me at night just to ask that?" Reiz even asked back.

"Don't call me Master. Hey.... Come on, this is your first time bringing a woman into your apartment." Said Tom again. He was really curious about the woman his assistant had brought with him.

"Didn't Miss Tania often come to my apartment, Master?" Reiz even asked again.

"My wife is often at your place, but always with me." Said Tom did not want to lose.

"Master should already know who that woman is." For some reason, Reiz is always in a bad mood when discussing women with Tomi.

"I want to hear it myself from you." Tom is still trying to figure it out.

"You'd better continue your honeymoon with Miss Tania." Reiz hung up the phone.

"Hey Reiz... Tsk, broke up again." Tom looked at his phone, suddenly he smiled lopsidedly. This time he wasn't going to leave the assistant alone.

Reiz turned off his cell phone, lest Tomi disturb him again. Cursing in his heart, how could the boss who was on his honeymoon know about him who brought Rin to his apartment. Reiz put the flat object back on the nightstand.

Reiz lay back down, he stared at the clean white ceiling. The drowsiness suddenly disappeared. Remembered the incident some time ago, when he dropped Rin on the street. After leaving Rin and intending to go home, he even thought about what happened to Rin, and the image of Rin seemed to not want to leave his mind. Trying to forget, what Reiz had in mind was even more.

What if someone harasses Rin again? Wasn't it his fault that he had dropped her off on a lonely and dark street. Not wanting to think about it, Reiz finally decided to return to the place where he left Rin.

And sure enough, when he got there, he heard a woman's voice asking for help, and saw Rin running away from the thugs.


The next morning, Rin woke up from her sleep. Her body felt refreshed, the bed in Reiz's apartment was very comfortable, making her sleep well last night. After finishing cleaning her body, Rin decided to make breakfast.

"Where's the kitchen huh?" While walking, Rin's eyes scanned every room.

"There he is..." Rin cheered as soon as she found the kitchen. Soon he was looking for something to cook for breakfast.

"Why aren't there any groceries here?" Rin scratched her head that didn't itch. After not finding any ingredients, there was only mineral water in the big fridge.

"What are you doing here?" Rin flinched in surprise when she heard a flat voice behind her. She turned to see Reiz standing there.

Instead of answering, Rin was stunned to see Reiz. Reiz, who looks like he just finished taking a shower with his hair still slightly wet and only wearing a black t-shirt and jeans, adds to the man's handsomeness.

"Oh my... Why is Mr. Reiz so handsome, and why did I just realize it? It must be because I was really in a mess last night." Rin said in her heart.

"I asked what you were doing here and who gave you permission to come into the kitchen?" Reiz asked who was starting to get annoyed because Rin just kept quiet while looking at him.

"Eh... That's Master, I want to make breakfast but there's no groceries here." Rin replied, who just woken up from her daydream.

"Who gave you permission to make breakfast? Didn't I tell you never to touch anything in this place without my permission?" Rin swallowed her saliva hearing Reiz's question. Why was this man so fierce, when she only wanted to make breakfast for her and Reiz, at least as a token of gratitude for helping her twice last night.

"Sorry Master, I was presumptuous..." Rin answered slowly. It's better to just apologize, than get angry in the morning like this.

"I want to make breakfast because I'm hungry. Last night I was drained from running all the time. So now I feel hungry." Rin answered simply. Reiz exhaled heavily. Why is this woman so troublesome, he thought.

"Come with me, we'll have a breakfast outside." Reiz said making Rin smile widely.

Now they were both enjoying breakfast at a food stall on the side of the road.

"This master is delicious." Rin said while enjoying her food. But as usual, Reiz just kept quiet. Rin doesn't care, the important thing is that he eats until he's full now.

"Where are we going again, Master?" Rin asked as she followed Reiz's steps towards his car. Reiz didn't answer, his gaze focused on the few people standing beside his car.

Reiz smiled sarcastically as soon as he knew who they were. Rin followed Reiz's gaze, and immediately her body trembled with fear. Remembering last night it was the man who wanted to harass her.

"Master..." Rin whispered, unconsciously she gripped Reiz's arm tightly while hiding her face behind Reiz's body. Reiz turned his head, he could feel Rin's body shaking.

"Calm down...." Reiz whispered.

"Good morning, Mr. Reiz Anderson ..." said a man he knew very well. It turned out that these people were Edra William and some of his men.

"Hm... I mean good morning Mr. Rexy William." Edra continued making Reiz glare at Edra.

"Don't you ever say that name again." Reiz said with emphasis. Rin who was behind Reiz wondered, do they know each other? She thought. But why did Mr. Edra call Mr. Reiz as Rexy William?

"Why? Don't you like it? But I prefer to call you Rexy William." Edra continued with a cynical smile. Reiz was silent, he kept his gaze fixed on Edra.