Chapter 4

"Do you like my girl Mr. Rexy?" Edra asked Reiz. The man turned to look at Rin who was hiding behind Reiz's body. Rin hid her body even more, avoiding Edra's cynical gaze.

"I won't forbid you to take Rinata from me. But just so you know, this girl's father has a debt to me. But he couldn't afford it, so he gave her daughter to me." Edra explained, folding his arms in front of his chest.

Rin slowly let go of the hand that had been gripping Reiz's arm. Tears welled up in her eyes again remembering last night's events. Reiz glanced briefly at Rin, before finally looking back at Edra.

"Tell me what do you want?" Reiz asked dryly.

"Three hundred million. That's what the girl's father owes me." Edra answered no less flatly.

Hearing that then Reiz stepped into his car, and took something from his car drawer. Write something in the little book.

"Three hundred million, never bother Rinata again." He said flatly as he handed a check to Edra.

"Wow... It's that easy for you to spend this much money on a girl you even met last night?" Edra asked surprised as he accepted the check.

"I think our business is done, Mr. Edra." Reiz said coldly.

"Ok, fine... I'm leaving. See you later Mr. Rexy." Edra left the two of them followed by his men.

"Let's go." Take Reiz to Rin. Rin raised her face to look at Reiz, again and again this man helped her.

"How long are you going to stay there?" Reiz exclaimed who was now in the car.

"Wait for me, Master..." Rin jogged towards Reiz's car.


"Master, you shouldn't have spent that much money just to help me..." Rin said quietly, but Reiz could still hear him.

"I'll try to replace your money, Master...." She continued while looking at Reiz, who was driving.

"I just want to free you from Edra." Reiz answered flatly without looking at Rin and kept his focus on the road. Rin lowered her face, she felt bad for Reiz for always bothering him.

Reiz took Rin to a shopping center. He bought Rin some clothes, and some women's necessities. Rin, who was initially confused, of course, refused all of these items, but Reiz's sharp gaze made him resign himself to all of them. But oddly enough, Reiz put all the groceries in a suitcase he had just bought as well.

"Master shouldn't have bought me those things." Now that they were on their way, I don't know where else Reiz would take them.

"My debt with Master just keeps piling up." Connect Rin.

"You need all that, don't you have anything left? Do you want me to take you back to your father's house?" Rin turned her head, this man doesn't usually answer when he's driving a car. Rin took a deep breath.

"I don't want to go back home, but I also don't want to trouble you, Master..." Rin turned her gaze back to the street. While Reiz remained focused on the steering wheel.

Their car stopped at a station, Rin's brow furrowed in her heart, wondering why did they go to the station? Does Mr. Reiz want to go or pick someone up? But even so, Rin did not dare to ask further.

Rin walked behind Reiz while dragging the suitcase that Reiz had just bought. She stared at the man's back, a big question mark still in his mind.

Suddenly he thought of something. Could it be that Reiz would tell him to leave? Rin stopped her steps, she looked at the suitcase she was carrying. Her eyes widened, Rin swallowed her saliva. Of course, of course she would go. Reiz had already bought all the things he needed, and had also put them all in the suitcase he was now carrying.

Gosh, why was she so stupid that she didn't realize all that? Rin nodded slowly. No, she didn't want to go. Rin didn't want to go. Rin wanted to stay with Reiz.

"Hey.... Why stop there?" Reiz asked who was standing not far from him. Rin immediately approached him.

"Master, where are we actually going?" Reiz looked at Rin, Rin's face looked pale.

"Are you sick? You look pale?" Reiz even asked back.

"Master, just answer my question..." Rin said in a muffled voice.

"You have to go." Reiz answered flatly. Rin shook her head slowly, her eyes glazed over.

"In the suitcase you already have everything you need, there's also an ATM card in there, you can use it to make a living." Obviously Reiz.

"Go on, the train will be here soon. Here's your ticket." He continued as he handed a ticket to Rin.

Rin was silent, the tears that Rin had been holding back finally flowed.

"I don't want to go, Master..." she whispered, shaking her head slowly.

"Then what are you doing here? You want to go back to your stepfather?" Rin shook her head again, making Reiz take a deep breath.

"Go, Rinata. You have to start your new life."

"I... I don't want to leave, sir. I want to stay here."

"All right, if that's what you want. You stay here, and I think that's enough for here. I don't want to deal with you anymore." Rin widened her eyes at Reiz's words. Her tears flowed freely.

No, Rin doesn't want to be alone. She doesn't have anyone anymore, what if something happens to her later. Rin wants to be with Reiz, only that man can protect her and Rin admits she is comfortable with Reiz even though they only met last night.

Reiz looked at Rin, he couldn't bear to see Rin cry. But somehow he did not want to deal further with the name of a woman. Because so far his life has never been involved with women.

"Goodbye." Reiz turned his steps away from Rin. Rin froze for a moment, before finally following the man.

"Reiz...." Rin ran a little while dragging her suitcase after Reiz. Suddenly he hugged Reiz from behind.

"What are you doing?" Reiz flinched because suddenly Rin hugged him.

"Let go..!" Reiz exclaimed while trying to let go of Rin's embrace.

"Will not." Rin tightened her arms even more, she didn't care at all about the people who were now staring at them.

"I said let go, Rinata! Can't you see? People are watching us?" The man looks annoyed.

"Husband, why do you have the heart to throw me away? What did I do wrong to you, my husband?" Rin said while crying.

"What are you doing?!" Reiz stomped Rin's hand until her grip was released. Rin turned her body to look at Reiz.

"You're evil... You want to throw away your own wife to marry another woman.." Rin's cries grew louder. Reiz widened his eyes, what exactly is this girl doing? Then why did Rin call him 'my husband'?