Chapter 6

"Be careful on the road, Master." Rin smiled sweetly at the door. Reiz turned around.

"Don't you mess with my place?" He said flatly.

"Ready Master. Master don't worry, I will make your place as tidy as possible." Rin raised his hand in a respectful gesture, don't forget the sweet smile that had been growing on his face. Reiz just stared at him blankly.


A week has passed, Rin is really doing well. Rin is a diligent and independent girl. Back when he was still living in her family's house, Rin used to do her own housework, even though there were several servants at her house. But her mother always advised her not to be spoiled and rely on other people for work that we can still do on our own.

And during the week, Rin and Reiz rarely spoke even though they lived under the same roof. To be precise, Reiz only spoke to Rin as needed. Moreover, Reiz, who is always busy in his office, has doubled his work. Because of Tomi, the boss is on leave for a month. He is on his honeymoon with his wife.

Rin didn't mind as long as she was still allowed to stay at Reiz's place, that was more than enough for him.

Rin is now in her room. All her homework is done, just waiting for Reiz to come home.

Dinner is also available. So far, the man has never protested, whatever Rin cooks he always eats until it runs out.

Rin sat in the middle of her bed, cradling her face on her knees.

"Mommy...." Rin remembered her mother who had left six months ago.

"Rinata misses..." she whispered, Rin's eyes filled with tears. It had been a long time since she had gone to visit her mother's grave. Rin closed her eyes, tears welling up in her eyes. Rin sat up crying while hugging her own knees.

She really missed his mother. Now she doesn't even have a photo of her mother, her cell phone and belongings are all left at her house. During this time, Rin had always hidden her own sadness behind his cheerful attitude.

Reiz entered his apartment. He was a little surprised not to find Rin there. Usually the girl always sat in his living room, welcoming him home with a smile even though he always ignored it.

Reiz's steps stopped when he crossed Rin's room. He accidentally heard a sob that was so soft in Rin's room. Reiz was about to knock on Rin's door, but he didn't. How did he know what had happened to the girl? Reiz shook his head, he chose to continue his steps towards his room.

After finishing cleaning himself, Reiz headed for the dining room. There were already several food menus available. Reiz sat up. He was very hungry and for some reason Rin's cooking always aroused his appetite. It can't be denied that Rin's cooking really suits him.


Rin came out of her room, she realized that it was already seven o'clock at night, it was Reiz's time to go home. She sat himself in the living room, intending to welcome the man's arrival. That's what he's been doing all this time, even though Reiz always walks past him.

Rin looked at the clock on the wall. It was already 19.30 but why wasn't Reiz home yet. During this week the man always came home on time. Could it be that Reiz was working late? But why didn't Reiz tell himself? Wait, who was he that Reiz had to report to her that he came home late? Hah... Rin took a deep breath realizing that she was just Reiz's housekeeper.

Even so far, he doesn't know what Reiz is doing and where, even when he wants to ask, Reiz's face is not friendly to talk to.

"What are you doing here?" Rin was surprised to hear a voice behind her. She even fell from his seat because he was sitting on the side of the sofa.

"Ouch..." Rin rubbed her lower body and hit the floor. Reiz just shook his head at him without wanting to help him.

"Master? Are you home?" Rin asked who was still sitting on the floor.

"You should know when I'm coming home, right?" Reiz asked back. Rin just smiled while showing a row of neat teeth.

"Master, please help me up." Rin stretched out her hand to Reiz. But don't expect Reiz to help her.

"You fell alone, so get up yourself." Reiz said flatly, he sat across from Rin. Rin pursed her lips as she tried to get up from her seat.

"I fell too because of Master's voice that surprised me." Rin grumbled softly.

"What did you say?" Rin turned her head, Reiz was already glaring at her. Even though he just mumbled softly, how could Reiz hear that.

"No Master, I didn't say anything." Rin shook his head, better to be safe.

"Have you eaten it?" Reiz asked, Rin looked at her in surprise. Since when did this man care about her? Even at dinner, Rin always asked to have dinner with him. Because Rin didn't want to eat alone, even though Reiz was silent, Reiz didn't refuse.

"Have you eaten it?" Reiz repeated his question. Rin shook his head, "Not yet, sir."

"Eat, even crying is exhausting enough." Rin widened her eyes, how did Reiz know that she had been crying.

"Master, how do you know if..." Rin said cut off.

"What made you cry? Don't you like living here? I can send you home right now." Rin shook his head quickly, how could she not feel at home living there.

"No Master, I... I miss my mother." Rin looked down.

"Master, may I visit my mother's grave?" He said doubtfully.

"Of course, tomorrow I will take you to your mother's grave." Rin gasped, didn't she hear that Reiz wanted to take her.

"That's not necessary Master. I can go by myself. I just want to ask your permission. Besides, I don't want to bother you, Master." Rin tried to refuse.

"I'll take you or you don't have to go." Rin swallowed her saliva hearing Reiz's flat words.

"Yes, it's fine if you really want to take me, as long as it doesn't bother you." Rin finally gave in. Reiz rose from his seat.

"Eat, I don't want you to pass out at my place because you're late." Reiz walked away leaving Rin who was still frozen there.


The next day. Rin was getting ready after finishing breakfast they were going to leave. Rin looked at her reflection in the mirror, wearing a knee-length sabrina dress with natural makeup on her cute face. Rin looked so beautiful.

"Mom, soon Rin will come to see Mom. I will wait there." Rin's heart felt happy when Reiz allowed her to visit her mother's grave, especially when Reiz wanted to take her.

Rin's smile rose, it couldn't be denied that she had fallen in love with Reiz. Even though she had only known Reiz for a week, he had already won her heart. How not, Reiz has helped her several times and Reiz has also given him a place to live. Reiz is a nice guy even though he seems cold and flat.