Chapter 8

Tomi must have complained about the person who he thought was like his own biological mother and father.

"Mom, Rinata is just a girl that I accidentally helped. And she stayed at my place because she insisted that she want to work for me in return for helping her." Reiz tried to explain. But it seems Mr. Mark and Mrs. Tyas can't accept the reason, it can be seen from the look on their faces.

"Reiz, how dare you send Mommy's future daughter-in-law to work." Mrs. Tyas' voice had gone up an octave, causing Reiz to swallow his saliva. Mr. Mark just shook his head with his intimidating look.

"Mom, I didn't tell her to. It was her own will." Reiz massaged his temples, he was dizzy himself. I don't know what Tomi actually said to his parents.

"Mom, Reiz is training his future wife. So he asked Rinata to work in his apartment, and also that as an excuse, so Reiz could live with Rinata." A voice came from behind. Reiz's eyes widened when he saw Tomi, who had come from nowhere, suddenly joined them. Isn't the boss still on his honeymoon with Tania? Why is it here?

"Master Tomi, what are you doing here? Aren't you on your honeymoon with Miss Tania?" Reiz asked who always used formal language with Tomi.

"Don't call me Master." said Tommy.

"Do you know?" I purposely came home early to see your future wife." Tomi answered enthusiastically. Meanwhile, Reiz rubbed his face roughly, really frustrated to have a boss like Tomi.

"Mom, Dad. I don't have any relation with Rinata." Reiz again tried to explain.

"Tch, my parents are always called Mom and Dad. But I'm always called a master." Tommy sneered. I don't know how many thousand times he asked Reiz to call him by name. But Reiz always refused, arguing that he was his boss.

Mr. Mark and Mrs. Tyas are Tomi's biological parents, while Reiz is their adopted son. But Mr. Mark and Mrs. Tyas never distinguished the affection between the two. Moreover, Reiz is a diligent and hardworking child, making them really love Reiz. Likewise, Tomi loves Reiz very much, and considers Reiz like his own younger brother.

Neither Reiz nor Tomi were ever jealous when their parents defended one of them when they got into a small argument.

Reiz and Tomi grew up together. They were only two months apart in age. School, college and now they are working together. Tomi became the main director while Reiz became his assistant. Previously, the position of President Director would be handed over to Reiz, because Reiz's way of working was better than Tomi's. But Reiz refused, saying that Tomi had more rights. Tomi is willing to accept the position on the condition that Reiz becomes his assistant and deputy. And Reiz couldn't help but accept it, even though their study space became one because of Tomi's request.

"Reiz, you should still marry Rinata." Press Mrs. Tyas. Reiz looked at him pitifully.

"Mom, I..."

"In a week your wedding will be held."

Before Reiz could answer, Mr. Mark had cut him off. Reiz rolled his eyes, how could he marry Rin in this one week.

"Dad..." Reiz's lips suddenly went numb at Mr Mark's sharp gaze.

"Do you dare refuse our wishes, Reiz?" Mr. Mark asked, and don't forget he still had that piercing gaze he kept on Reiz. Causing the man to look down, not daring to look at him. Mr. Mark is known to be strict with his children.

Tomi, who was sitting not far from him, couldn't help but laugh when he saw the assistant didn't move. It was not in vain that he instigated and persuaded his parents.


Meanwhile, at Reiz's apartment. Rin was cleaning. She wanted to sleep but he couldn't close her eyes. Finally, Rin decided to just clean up, at least if the cold man came home didn't see him lazing around

Ting Tong. When the doorbell rang, Rin raised an eyebrow. Who's coming? It can't be Reiz right? The man would definitely come right in when he got home. Rin opened the door, there was a woman in fashionable clothes standing with a very sweet smile. Even though Rin is a woman, he admits that the woman standing in front of her is very beautiful.

"Is Reiz Anderson around?" asked the woman, so soft spoken.

"Em... Miss looking for Mr. Reiz? But Mr. Reiz isn't there, Miss." Reply Rin. She looked the woman in front of her up and down. In her mind, wondering who this woman is? Could it be Reiz's lover? No wonder Reiz never wanted to see it, it turned out to be at this level.

"Oh yeah? May I know where Reiz went?" asked the woman again.

"Master Reiz is returning home, Miss." Reply Rin. The woman seemed to be nodding her head.

"May I come in? I want to wait for Reiz inside." Rin seemed to think for a moment, until finally allowing the woman in.

"Please come in, Miss." The woman walked gracefully. Rin stared in awe at the woman. Her clothes were already beautiful and very fashionable. Very far when compared to her.

"Please have a seat, Miss. What would you like to drink, Miss?"

"No need. I had a drink earlier." The woman sat down on the sofa In the living room. While Rin was still standing in front of him.

"Miss, is it okay for you to wait a long time? Because I don't know when Mr. Reiz will return." Rin asked a little awkwardly.

"It's okay after all, I've been here many times waiting for Reiz. I used to know the password for this apartment, so I could enter at any time. But it looks like Reiz has changed the password." The woman's light made Rin swallow her saliva. She's been here many times and he also knows the password. There's no doubt that this woman must be Reiz's lover, Rin thought.

"You come here, sit here." The woman patted the empty side next to her. Rin complied, Rin sat beside him.

"Um... By the way, who are you Reiz? Why are you here? As far as I know, Reiz never allows strangers into his apartment?" The beautiful woman asked.

"I... I'm the housekeeper here, Miss." Answer Rin as it is.

"Household assistant?" Repeat.

"Yes, Miss."

"Oh yeah, what's your name? I've been asking for a while, but I forgot to ask your name." The beautiful woman chuckled.

"My name is Rinata, Miss." Rin stretched out her hand. The woman welcomed her.

"My name is Tania. Nice to meet you Rinata." Tania smiled, adding to the level of her beauty.

"It's beautiful, friendly and not overbearing. It's almost perfect." Rin thought.

"Excuse me Miss, may I know Miss who is Mr. Reiz?" Rin gave herself to ask.